Now that Kitasan won against Dia, there comes the festival, and Kitasan is the central part of it. However, is Kitasan taking on too much?
Of course, Kitasan was preparing for the Takarazuka Kinen and talked with Special Week. We will find out later. Of course, Kitasan gets called to the student council office for a joint event. Rudolf decides that Kitasan will be the festival girl. Her job oversees all the festival activities, which is unsurprising since she knows the townspeople.

As expected, not much to say. Of course, Kitasan gets to see Team Spica doing a butler café. Kitasan thinks her Oishi, Teio, looks fabulous in a butler’s outfit. Of course, she was excited to do it because Rudolf, her oishi horse girl, had done the same. The funny thing is that Gold Ship is dressed as a sheep. As expected, Gold Ship is going to do her thing. On the other hand, Kitasan sees a different side of Duramente as she tries die-cutting but eventually fails. She is still recovering but plans to run in that race in France.

Of course, we see a montage of some nice horse girls who haven’t made it yet. It’s nice to see Daiichi Ruby, the Oujo horse girl, Curren-chan, and Nishino Flower with Seiun Sky. Kitasan also bangs the drums for the bon dance. Before the lighting, she got to see some alum photos of her previous races and shared her desire to run in that race in France. The Trainer plans to enter her but seems concerned. Only the maid trainer leading the Satono team knows they can prepare Kitasan.

The next day, Kitasan caught a cold and had to sleep in bed. She notices a horse girl leaving the academy as she gives up on racing. I wonder what will she do now. Even after resting, Kitasan pushes herself hard the next day as she trains harder. As you see later, you might be wondering why her team members seem worried about her.

As for Takarazuka Kinen, she was really struggling. That is when Cheval eventually takes the lead. When Kitasan tries to make her move, she can’t. She basically loses steam as she gets left behind along with Cheval. In the end, Satono Clown won while Kitasan looked very exhausted. I have a feeling that Kitasan is doing too much. Seeing Dia’s face in shock at Kitasan’s surprising loss, she seems very worried. I wonder if Kitasan can recover from this failure.