This is one stacked episode as Umika does her first club president meeting. Also, apparently, the girls need a license to launch rockets? Lastly, Yuu spends some time with Umika when she feels down.

Apparently, Umika has a club president meeting coming up. Yep, Haruno mentions that associations’ presidents participate, too. Matataki read what Umika was going to say, and of course, she didn’t like the lack of assertiveness in her speech, so she revised it. Interestingly, Matataki wants Haruno to join in fixing the speech. Yep, the more Matataki and Haruno moments, the better.

As for the meeting itself, of course, Umika was nervous. However, when she saw the notes saying that they would win the competition, it gave her some confidence. Somehow, she managed to pull through even if Matataki didn’t seem confident that Umika wouldn’t screw up and try to run home crying. Surprisingly, Umika came back. While she admits to screwing up a bit, she managed to make it through to the end. She even said that her club will definitely be the champions. Yep, it surprises Matataki that she actually said it. Still, it shows that Umika is getting more assertive as she wants to be more like Kei.

Of course, Umika, Yuu, and Haruno find out they need a license to launch model rockets. Wait, a license to launch them. Apparently, Japan requires a license to launch model rockets that use things like black powder engines. Of course, I built these rockets during summer camp during my childhood and never heard of needing a license, at least in the US.
That said, as mentioned on the linked site, Matataki has a Class 3 license and is certified to teach the girls. I find it funny how Yuu poked fun at how mean Matataki looked in the license. Of course, Matataki was not happy when she made that remark.

Thankfully, the girls are almost there, as they already have the basic knowledge. They just have to do a successful launch. All the girls managed to do it. Haruno got it on the first try, Yuu took two, and Umika took 10 tries to get it working. While they seem happy to get their licenses, I find it funny how Matataki stretches Umika’s cheeks as she wasted 9 engines, and they aren’t free.

As expected, Yuu, Haruno, and Umika took Matataki to a sweets buffet two months later to celebrate her birthday. After all, her birthday was in April, so at least they remembered it. I find it funny how Matataki says she doesn’t like sweets but enjoys them while blushing. They presented a present, a model of the not Gunpla, which she already has. In fact, three of them, but she is impressed that Yuu, Umika, and Haruno know what she likes. Also, it is cute how they coax Matataki to take a photo in the booth.
Some time passed by, and their entry was accepted. Of course, Matataki intends to do everything herself with two months left since it’s the easiest path to winning. Of course, the girls wanted to work on it, too, but Matataki didn’t want them to. Umika has to tell Yuu and Haruno that they will stick with Matataki’s plan.

Of course, Umika felt a bit down until Yuu started staring at her. Umika wonders if Yuu is really okay with paying. We discover she doesn’t need to eat as her energy source comes from the cosmos. Therefore, she saves money for her amusement to experience Earth to the fullest. Yuu takes Umika to an arcade to win two keyring plushies, which she wins after several attempts, and Umika eventually helps her.

As they walk out, it seems as if Yuu is having fun. Umika eventually tells Yuu what Haruno said. She wants aliens to find out all about the wonderful places on Earth. Yuu wants to find them, but Umika is not confident; even Yuu doesn’t think this is true.

While Umika thinks her friends are amazing, she yearns to be like them but feels that she only causes trouble for everyone. Yes, she puts herself down by saying she is not a cool club president like Kei, as she can’t do anything alone. Yuu understands that even if Umika can’t do something alone, she can still make it happen if she finds someone to help. It’s thanks to Umika, which she denies, but Yuu doesn’t know much about Earth. Her words and feelings lighten the way, and with Umika, Yuu feels they can reach the same goal. That is when Yuu gives a plush to Umika, and Yuu touches it with hers as it shines. As expected, it’s a lovely moment that we need. Hopefully, Umika and her team can pull it off.

As expected, it’s funny to see Yuu’s dream. Umika sees the aliens on Yuu’s home planet. Haruno is there, too. The funny thing is that Matataki is depicted as a monster asking them physics questions before they can board the ship. Yep, I knew Yuu would depict her like this, given Matataki’s personality.
Top 5 anime of 2023. That’s how good this show is and it’s not over yet.
UmiYu are and always will be love.
Matataki slowly giving in to her -dere side is wonderful but the -tsun is putting up a good fight still. Hopefully Umika and the girls convince her that teamwork is the best option.
Haruno enjoying Matataki’s cuteness more than the others is wonderful.
Kirara titles are usually good, but I agree, I am enjoying the show although I read the first two volumes of the manga.
Always nice to see Matataki defrosting and of course more Haruno and Matataki moments are good.