Now that Umika has managed to pull through that field trip, can they form the rocketry club?

As expected, Umika is finally excited for this moment. I find it cute that when Umika is at her shoe locker, Yuu enthusiastically kisses her forehead. Of course, the classmates think Umika and Yuu are the “forehead girls.” Also, while the girls are waiting, I find it funny how Haruno tries to do that forehead telepathy but doesn’t get anything, but Yuu does. Of course, Matataki doesn’t believe that Yuu knows what she is talking about.

Eventually, Emihara returned, and sadly, the club was crossed out with association status. Apparently, Rocketry Research doesn’t have enough achievements to become a full-fledged club yet.

This is bound to happen, which disappointed Matataki. She hoped it would be a club so they could get funding, let alone a club room. Now that the only thing they have is Emihara, Matataki really wants to scrap the association. Of course, Umika intends to continue as they can become a full club if they can rack up achievements. At least Umika has the motivation to push forward, and they are willing to keep going. This proves that Umika has grown quite a bit. That is, except for her computer literacy, as she doesn’t know why things are being printed as a PDF document.

With that, where are the girls going to build their rockets? Haruno has a place in mind: the lighthouse’s secret base. With that, Matataki explains how black powder rockets work. I admit that I used to build these model rockets when I was a child in summer camp. Still, it’s interesting to learn how they work. Of course, seeing Yuu try the forehead kiss on Matataki to understand how physics works with model rockets and receive information overload is funny. It’s too bad they couldn’t launch the rockets since it was raining.

As expected, Umika intends to go to a rocket festival next month. They did, and apparently, they ran into the pretty, long, silvered-haired, glasses-wearing girl who helped Umika and her friends give empty bottles. Her name is Kei, and she is apparently a second year. She is part of an elite tech high school as a second-year student. While she is smart and looks diligent, she forgets her wallet and has to borrow money from Umika for some grilled corn. As expected, she found her other members. Also, Kei shares a similar interest in rockets as Matataki does while they look at the ones on display.

Believe it or not, Kei’s team launched a giant rocket for the main event with two other club members. After the launch, Kei offered to pay Umika back. Still, Matataki paid Umika back and challenged Kei in a rocket launching competition. If Umika’s team wins, Kei must pay them back. Matataki is a bit too overconfident since Kei’s team obviously has more experience behind them. I wonder if Umika’s team can pull it off so they can get upgraded to club status. We’ll see.
I need more HaruTaki moments please.
The wait for Kei’s proper introduction was worth it. Hope to see more of her teammates too.
I’ll sound like a broken record praising Umika but she’s just that damn adorable and her relationship with Yu motivates me to live longer.
Agreed, Haruno and Matataki moments are always nice. Also, nice to see Kei getting an introduction here, especially given how cute she is.
The moments with Yuu and Umika are always cute, for obvious reasons.