Now that we have focused quite a bit on Kitasan, Dia has been trying to make strides to break the Satono Jinx. Despite having an extremely narrow loss, can she win this time?
From the looks of her training, Dia is doing well as she feels prepared for the Kikkashou. However, she thinks that the family jinx thing is getting Dia worried. The people at the Statono Group G1 Association meetup doubted whether Dia could pull it off.

Much of the episode focuses on Dia facing the jinx head-on. Well, Dia basically believed in superstitions, horoscopes, and the like. In one instance, Dia saw her horoscope saying to avoid red things. Dia grabs the hot pepper and spills the whole thing. It’s surprising how Dia drinks the soup despite how much space is in it. Also, another funny superstition about not walking in the woods as it would give back luck. The funny thing is that Sakura Bakushin O almost crashed into Dia, but she avoided it and hit Kitasan instead. It’s funny how she is doing the Bakushin song.

After doing so much superstition and good luck, we see a flashback of Dia witnessing the failures of the Satono family horse girls. With each of them failing to win a G1 race, they lose hope and quit racing altogether. Dia hopes to prove them wrong and bring victory. Still, she faces a lot of pressure to win, given that she shoulders the past failures of horse girls from the Satono family. This worries Kitasan, especially with Dia being dead set on dealing with the Jinx instead of focusing on her strength. After all, Dia is different from the other horse girls from the Satono family as she has the fighting chance to break the Jinx on her own.

Eventually, McQueen, Dia’s #1 Oshi, talked to Dia after Kitasan told them what happened to Dia to Team Spica. McQueen mentioned that she won Kikkashou with her strength alone, and Satono shouldn’t overwork herself. Not only that, McQueen tells Dia that Jinxes is something that can be applied after the fact. I find how McQueen uses Dia’s reasoning that the strongest horse girls are the ones who win the Kikkashou.
Sure,McQueen won because of strength and not because of Jinx. Sure, she mentions bad luck and shoe trouble happening all the time, but in a say, she is telling Dia not to worry about the Jinx. After all, if Dia believes the Jinx is real, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy that she can’t win because of the Satono Jinx. McQueen understands the burden of winning races for their family’s sake.
McQueen thinks Dia can do it since she is stronger than everyone else and should believe in herself. Of course, Dia wishes McQueen to see the race for herself before leaving. As always, Ki8tasan is rooting for her and gives a good luck charm to her.

With that, she takes that advice in mind. Ultimately, Dia manages to pull it off and win since she genuinely believes in her strength, not some jinx. It’s nice to finally see Dia win and break that Jinx by not believing in it. After all, if she has confidence in her strengths, she can do it. Seeing Dia cry like that is not surprising since she finally broke the Jinx and the burden lifted from her shoulders, which is nice.
Diamond vs Bad Luck was excellent. So funny!
Great seeing McQueen share words of wisdom with her protege.
So happy Diamond finally won a big race! It was another very exciting one.
Yep, that segment is just so funny, but it’s nice to see McQueen giving some words of advice. But yes, I’m happy to see Dia finally win after several tries.