Now that Claire, Rae, and everyone who passed the first round passed the second round of the Academy Knights exams, there is the founder festival. Of course, Claire and Rae investigate a ghost in the kitchen while receiving a wet handprint on their shoulders.
Claire, Rae, and the others who participated in the second exam passed it. Now, they are inducted into the Academy Knights. As expected, they discuss what the Academy Knights should do during the Founders Festival.

Of course, Rae thought about the idea of maid and butler cafes coming to mind. However, she is not attracted to hot butlers unless it’s Claire dressed as one because Rae says that she wants to see Rae in a Butler’s outfit at a cross-dressing café. As expected, Claire was not amused by the idea of serving people, dressed as a butler. After all, she lives life as a noble.

Lambert, who manages the Academy Knights and handles the academy’s inspections of magic tools, met with Claire and Rae. He wants them to investigate a strange ghost that leaves a wet handprint on someone’s shoulders. I feel this might be because Ralaire never returned to Rae, and it has shapeshifting abilities, too. Also, we see some unrest, which will be touched upon later.

During the night, Claire and Rae, in their tracksuits, investigate the ghost in the kitchen. Claire touched something slimy and freaked out, but Rae cleaned it off. She revealed that she tests recipes as she has Claire taste her latest creations. That is when Claire realizes that Rae is the strange figure in the kitchen as she presents her with a futon.

Rae did mention there is a hand before Claire decides to leave and freaks out after seeing it. Yep, it’s just Ralaire shaped as a hand. I find it cute how Claire wants to return to her room, finds out how scary the hallway is and decides to sleep in the futon. In the end, Rae got what she wanted and held her hands before Claire woke up and slapped her.

Of course, there is a sad flashback when Rae got upset at her mother for not staying to celebrate her birthday. Surprisingly, this flashback is focused on later in the manga. Still, it’s nice to see it here as it gives some insights about why Claire has the same hairstyle as her mother. It also shows her relationship with Lene and why she is close.

After all, her idea was to celebrate Claire’s birthday without her parents. Obviously, as we see the day after Claire becomes depressed over the death of her mother, especially after saying those terrible things, it’s clear that Lene stepped up to take the role of an older sister. But seeing it presented as one of Claire’s dreams is fascinating. I think this important point about Claire’s past is presented well.

This leaves us with what they should serve for the Academy Knight’s café. They try out some menu items, including sandwiches and a pudding-like dessert. The funny thing is that she gets addicted to it. Of course, Claire notices the taste of mayonnaise, a trade secret from Rae. Of course, she gives the recipe to Lene and tells her to learn it and destroy the recipe. After all, Rae created these recipes given their knowledge but wants to keep it a secret for Claire’s sake. I wonder why, but we will find out sooner or later. In short, it’s basically insurance to keep for Lene when things go south.
Reviews from Other Bloggers
I’m in Love With the Villainess Episode 6: Spoopy Sweets
Can’t get enough of Claire’s reactions.
The mysteries both had amusing reveals.
Claire deserves a big hug and kiss from a certain loving protagonist. Poor dear went through a lot.
Yes, I can’t get enough of her reactions when Rae scares her, but yes it’s obvious that she is been through a lot though. I guess more will get revealed in due time.