Last time, Kitasan lost against Duramente as she came in 14th place in the Nippon Derby. Sadly, after two losses, Kitasan becomes a bit down, especially when she hears unfortunate news about Duramente, who has beaten her two times.
Before focusing on Kitasan’s feelings, you might wonder why she wanted to run with other horse girls. Apparently, like her tangible life counterpart, she is owned by a famous Enka singer. With that, when she saw Teio run with Dia for the first time, Teio became Kitasan’s role model and her #1 oshi. With that, she worked up to someday become like her.

Sadly, Kitasan realizes while racing in the Nippon Derby that she can never be like Teio. After seeing Duramente, she ran like her number one oshi. Kitasan seems frustrated that she might have hoped that something would happen to Duramente so that she could win. She even admits that more on that later.

Hearing that news made her feel even worse, especially since something like this happened to Teio. Now, Duramente lost the chance to win the third race. Thus, she loses this opportunity.

Of course, Dia and Team Spica especially seem concerned about how Kitasan is acting. When Kitasan overheard that she might become upset hearing the news about Duramente, she ran into that well and cried into it. It was emotional as she didn’t know what to do until Nice Nature came to talk with her over some tea.

Believe it or not, Nice Nature understands how Kitasan felt as she felt the same. Nice Nature looked up to her. She became frustrated as she couldn’t win first place and be like her. She even thought something similar to Kitasan and realized that idea was lame and became angry at herself. Nice Nature eventually realizes she should be herself instead of comparing herself to the stars like Teio.
With that, Nice Nature advises Kitasan not to compare herself to her oshi or Duramente. Kitasan should run her own way and be true to herself. After all, imitation doesn’t quite work out in the end.

This is a mindset change, but Kitasan is happy that Nice Nature helped her feel better about the situation. She eventually tells Team Spica she will keep working hard and win the Kikkashou.

Believe it or not, she pulled it off as she won first place. Ignoring what people think or trying to emulate her oshi and keeping her eyes on the prize allowed her to pull it off. Even the supporters who supported her along the way seemed happy with her winning along with Nice Nature. Of course, Teio and McQueen seem relieved that Kitasan is back to her usual self. As expected, Duramente saw the race, but I wonder how she feels. We’ll see eventually.
Reviews from Other Blogs
Uma Musume 3.2: Finding Your Neigh – The Yuri Empire
Best to focus on becoming the first Kitasan Black and not the next Tokai Teio. Great stuff as always from this series. Excited to see how Kita continues building momentum along with what the other horsies have in store.
Yep, as they say, she needs to be herself and the chips will fall into place. Hopefully she can earn some more wins.