As expected, Yuna and her friends have another horde of vertexes. No, just not one, but they have to defeat 7 all at once. Of course, Yuna, Fu, Itsuki and Mimori find out the hard way by using those powers.

From the looks of the last episode, the enormous horde of vertexes is finally here. As expected, Yuna and her friends will struggle here once four vertexes merge. However, Fu decides to use her untapped power, the Mankai ability. This eventually allows the girls to defeat the vertexes. Of course, there is one in outer space, which Mimori brings Yuka to go and beats it.

Once Yuna is done with the final vertex, they return to earth wrapped in a flower. There is a lovely yuri moment with hand holding. Itsuki stops the flower with her remaining powers to give them a safe landing. Yuna, Fu, Itsuki, and Mimori pass out when transported back. Only Karin is healthy because she didn’t tap into the additional power.

The sixth episode is pretty much the recovery episode. The Taisha checks the girls’ health after combat and doing tests. In the meantime, they are given new phones that look like an iPhone 5. I miss the day when one can operate a smartphone with one hand. Yes, Apple released the iPhone 12 and 13 Mini, a successor. Sadly, it got killed off since it didn’t sell enough.

Either way, the girls celebrated their win with some snacks and drinks. The actual will come later. Still, Yuna notices she can’t taste anything. At the same time, Fu can’t use her left eye, Itsuki can’t talk, and Mimori loses her hearing in one ear. The girls assumed that these disabilities were temporary. While Mimori kept track of the girls’ symptoms, she discovered a disturbing trend.
While it’s funny to see Fu, Itsuki, and Yuna manage themselves without Mimori, who is still at the hospital. Yuna can’t do much. Yes, she went through the trouble of learning HTML to update their website. This is something most people don’t do these days, thanks to content management systems. Also, Karin doesn’t show up, and Yuna checks on her. Karin doesn’t know what to do since all the vertexes are gone. Of course, Yuna still lends a hand, as the Hero Club is not just fighting vertexes. Eventually, Mimori got discharged a few days later.

The seventh episode is probably the best because a particular blogger knows why. Yes, it’s the beach episode, as the girls have fun on the beach. Also, Mimori gets to spend time in the water with a special wheelchair that can float. Either way, it’s your bog-standard beach episode. They also had a lovely banquet. Of course, there are cute moments, such as Fu coming over to Karin’s side and Yuna doing Mimori’s hair were lovely moments.

Sadly, while Fu had dinner with Itsuki, she found out the job wasn’t done. That is when she sees a suitcase with their usual phone with Fu’s fairy popping out. She also has another one. We find out that Yuna, Mimori, and Itsuki also have another fairy, but Karin doesn’t get one. Is it because she didn’t use her Mankai powers? Either way, the girls finish the straggler vertex, and Mimori worries about Yuna pushing too much. However, what comes next will shock Yuna and Mimori.

While summoned back to the real world, Fu, Itsuki, and Karin are separated from Yuna and Mimori. They have a special meeting with the so-called goddess, Nogi Sonoko. She is all bandaged up and lying in a hospital bed. She is unable to use most of her body. Also, Sonoko is expecting a person called Wasshi. Who is she referring to?
If you watched Madoka Magica, basically, it’s that moment. Sonoko, Yuna, and Mimori discover the fine print behind the Mankai power. When they use that power, they bloom like a flower and gain incredible powers. When they go to Sange, they lose a random body part permanently. Also, only young girls can become heroes, as purity allows them to muster great power, not adults. With that power, details of their bodies go to the Divine tree as offerings. Of course, only a small number of girls can even become heroes. The thing is, once they become heroes, they are immortal.

You might be wondering about Sonoko. She used to be a hero. While she is surprised that Yuna’s team could defeat them, Sonoko’s team couldn’t. While she is revered as a goddess now, she cannot use most of her body due to using her Mankai. Of course, the horror sets in as their bodily functions may never return. To make matters worse, they can lose more if they continue fighting and resort to the Mankai powers.

Besides what I said in the last review, it’s obvious that finding out about the hero system is traumatic for the girls. After all, what will happen to them when they use Mankai several times? How will Fu react when she finds out that Itsuki might never be able to say another word or sing ever again? We’ll see the aftermath as things are about to turn dark when they find out. Also, we might find out why Sonoko called out for Wasshi. Is this related to that traffic accident, or is it something more than that? We have to wait and see.
You’re doing Yuki Yuna?!
Absolutely, eventually get to the movies and the 2nd season, if I have time before the fall season ends.
Fun in the sun was much appreciated before the show resumed the pain.
Yes, the beach episode was fun, but once they reveal the truth about Mankai, it was a mood whiplash.
Can’t wait for the next set of these episodes!
It will be coming soon, in a full review probably in the next week or to.