Now that the third season of Yuru Camp got an air date of next year, to anticipate that, it’s time to take a look at the movie that aired last year. As expected, we see a glimpse of the lives of Nadeshiko, Rin, and friends after graduating high school/college and entering the workforce.
Nedeshiko and her friends are camping during summer to see the fireworks. Of course, they wonder if they can return and camp together after graduating high school/college.
After some time since that moment, Rin is working at a magazine publishing company in Nagoya. She was about to take the weekend off until Aki took her to dinner. She changed jobs to work for a municipal tourism office in Yamanashi, the girls’ hometown. Aki has a new proposal to transform an abandoned nature preserve. While drunk, she takes Rin to a taxi and directs it to that site.
Eventually, Aki, Aoi Rin, Nadeshiko, and Ena worked at the site during their free time to clean it up. After some time passed, they camped there as a test. However, Chikuwa uncovered a piece of ancient pottery, which ruined Aki’s plan to open a campsite there. However, Aki was able to rework the plan and get it approved. After being a few months behind, they were able to open the campsite in the fall, a few months behind the original date.

Of course, we see the girls camping during the summer. This makes it obvious where the third season might stop, but it gives some perspective with the time skip. Surprisingly, Rin’s, Nadeshiko’s, and Akari’s hairstyles are notably shorter, and Ena’s hair covers her left eye since that time. Aki basically lets down her hair, and Aoi’s is mostly unchanged.

Still, it’s surprising that Rin worked at a magazine company. Of course, the other girls eventually got jobs. It is very predictable. Nadeshiko works at a camping store, and she can drive an SUV. Aki works at a municipal office after quitting her first job. Ena works at a pet grooming shop, and Aoi is an elementary school teacher.

Also, it’s nice to see Nadeshiko working at the camping store. When she saw the high school students looking at the lamp, it does remind her of

As expected, seeing the girls’ adult lives is nice. Of course, see Rin’s and Nadeshiko’s work life. Of course, we see some with Aki as well since she is the one that came up with the project to revitalize a plot of land in her and her friends’ hometown. Despite Aki trying to look smart during high school, she becomes a complete drunkard after work, pretty much like Minami.

Sure, Rin faces her first proposal being rejected. Still, it’s nice that her coworkers support her in covering rebuilding a camp on the website. Still, it’s nice to see her going to various campsites and even camping there to figure out what to add to their campsite. Also, we see that Rin upgraded her iconic scooter to a full-blown motorcycle. We also see Nadeshiko’s childhood friend, Toki, who works at a motorcycle maintenance shop,

As for the girls working on the site, it’s funny to see them struggle to cut the long grass and some dead trees. They were using a sickle to cut the grass the wrong way. It was not until the farmer told them how to cut it from the roof.

When Aki finds out that there is a deadline, Nadeshiko takes out the heavy machinery. Surprisingly, she has the initiative to earn a license to use it. Of course, the girls take out the grass trimmers. Of course, the girls refurbished the stairs and built the plan using existing materials. Yes, Aoi eventually took some of the stuff outside the closing elementary school to build a playground for the camp. It does give me the vibes of the Do It Yourself anime.

Towards the middle of the movie, the artifact discovery puts an obstacle to the girls’ plans. Seeing Aoi having a closing ceremony and packing her stuff from the old school she taught at was somber. What is more so is Rin taking on more work and spending long nights at work. The funny thing is that she hallucinates, thinking the snacks are becoming sentient, and her boss is saying to report on the newly completed campsite as Aki and her friends break the news. It’s just Rin’s strange dream after passing out on the couch.

Still, it’s nice to see Rin and Nadeshiko spend their time together going to a hot springs location during early spring. They even had their favorite cup noodles on the way there too. Of course, despite being adults and being able to buy anything, thanks to having disposable income, getting driver’s licenses, and going anywhere, there are drawbacks. While having more freedom comes with more responsibilities.
For me, this hits home since it’s been 15 years since I graduated high school and 8 years of earning my bachelor’s degree. While my freedom was limited during grade school and college, since the latter, I don’t have much money, and I don’t have many responsibilities besides homework and studying.
When I started working in 2015, I had more freedom to buy stuff like technology, anime merchandise, and more, but that came with more responsibilities. After all, besides the day job, you have chores and bills to pay.
With that, you don’t find yourself having that much leisure time. It’s apparent with the girls not being able to get time off simultaneously. We see this with the girls having a trial camp at the site and being able to rent nice equipment and tents. Compared to what they could do during high school, having more disposable income opens up more possibilities.

Thankfully, Aki was able to come up with something incorporating the exhibit of the pottery to revive the project. Sure, they are a few months behind, but they managed to pull it off. Also, Rin’s motorcycle had the check engine light turned on. In other words, she takes out her old scooter from high school, which quite fits the occasion. The funny thing is the girls forgot to hang up the guide signs they had already made. This is a Classic Aki move. Still, it’s nice to see their efforts paying off in the end, which is nice.

Overall, the Yuru Camp Movie is a fun one. Sure, there is not much in terms of yuri, but there are some lovely moments with Rin and Nadeshiko, Aoi and Chiaki. Even so, it has many things that make Yuru Campenjoyable. With that, I can’t wait to see what the third season brings.
Reviews from Other Bloggers
- Yuri Quickie: Yuru Camp△ Movie – The Yuri Empire
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