Since Aoi collapses as she is about to chip in, you would think Eve’s and Aoi’s dream was shattered there. Think again as Aoi does something that nobody expected. But is it enough for Eve to win against Juha?

From last time, right before Aoi got on the green, Aoi collapsed. She came very close to chipping it in and asked god for the extra strength to make it, but sadly she collapsed again. In other words, Juha out-predicted Aoi knowing that she would eventually run out of steam. Still, it’s funny how the show got us thinking that Aoi regained consciousness and made it to the next round. Sadly, the show trolled us here as this was just a dream. Of course, Eve got angry when Juha

Eventually, Eve visited Aoi at the hospital. She said she would beat Juha, but defeating her won’t be easy. After all, Juha saved her strength for the last day, and Aoi doesn’t think Eve’s golf is good enough. She thinks of a way to possibly give Eve a fighting chance. Ichina runs into Aoi’s hospital room and tells her the bad news. Yes, it seems that Juha’s caddy is playing dirty, so Juha can win by default by outing Eve’s mafia golfing past. Yes, she probably paid Catherine off to spill the tea. Of course, Juha didn’t need her to play dirty as she was confident in winning against Eve.

With that, what is the game plan for the last round of the tournament? Well, Eve is going to combine the powers of Aoi by giving her golf clubs to give her a fighting chance. Of course, Ichina helped Eve practice before the big day the next day. Eve shocked everyone by making Aoi her caddie and noticed how she cut her hair. Her hair looks very similar to the time she played VR golf. It definitely surprised everyone. Also, the design of her golf ball changed with two spread-out wings instead.

Eventually, Eve showed the power of the Shining Wings combined with her Rainbow Bullet Burst starting at the 4th hole. Yep, it surpassed Juha’s stroke. In short, Eve eventually caught up to Juha despite it raining finally. Of course, Eve pointed out that if she made up 4 strokes and 9 under, she would surpass Aoi from the previous day.

On the last hole, it seems Eve is almost at her limit again. However, she tried to get an eagle on the last shot, but sadly it came very short of chipping in. It was all dramatic, thinking it would chip in, but unfortunately, it didn’t. Of course, Juha won, and what is worse, Eve’s win got stripped, and she received a suspension for three years. It’s saddening to see Lily cry after hearing the news.

At least they didn’t strip it entirely, but at least this gives time for Aoi to treat her disease so she can play longer. Of course, Ichina waited until Eve made her return, which she did. At least this time, Eve can face off against Aoi in the final round of the same tournament. Yep, their hairstyle changed along with Ichina and Amame having longer hair now. At least they fulfilled their promise, although it took longer than expected.
Final Thoughts
As expected, Birdie Wing is an exciting golf anime. Learning about Eve’s past and how she worked to fulfill her promise to Aoi was interesting. The surprises the show gives regarding the story are what make the show enjoyable to watch. Also, the golfing action is pretty exciting and done well.
Of course, they leave Aoi’s and Eve’s relationship open-ended. At the same time, it seems that they are close to intimacy. But this might be worth a try if you want an exciting anime about young ladies playing golf. There is also a Nintendo Switch game with the anime’s story. You get to play on the golf courses featured in the story. I will eventually review it once I beat it.
One of the best sports anime I have ever seen alongside Uma Musume 2, Harukana and Kandagawa. I will never forget this masterpiece and the bombastic sports love story that was Eve and Aoi’s. So much to love about this show from its crazy shonen golf to its diverse cast of hotties. Wish there was a pudgy cutie to complete the sexiness but we got more than enough babes.
Agreed, especially for the excitement, twist and turns which of course makes the story interesting, but I agree it sits well with the other sports anime with a female cast.
I do wonder how the Switch game will fare when I beat it.