Yuna, Noa, and Fina finally arrive at Misa’s family castle for a birthday party. Little Yuna knew there was some territorial infighting between the two noble families.
At last, Yuna, Noa, and Fina finally arrived at Misa’s family castle. While Misa is happy to see Yuna and her friends, we discover her family is in a challenging situation. That is after meeting Misa’s grandfather, her parents, and their cook. While not apparent at first since Cliff doesn’t want Yuna to worry about family matters. That is until they got into an unfortunate situation.

While Mina showed Fina and Noa around with Yuna, they ran into the other nobles. Obviously, we see a lot of classism from a young noble who makes fun of Misa for her family being poor. Then, he pokes fun at Yuna, saying she is Misa’s “pet.” This young man who made fun of Misa is kind of an a-hole.

When Yuna steps in, he brings his bodyguard. While his bodyguard looks strong, he doesn’t match the strength. This is apparent when Yuna insults him, and he gets furious that he tried to punch her. I admit, Yuna’s taunts to this low-life noble were hilarious. But, of course, he underestimated Yuna’s grip until the guard tried to spit them up. When the noble wants his guard to beat up Yuna, he refuses. I doubt he would win against Yuna. After all, those adventurers that made fun of Yuna during the Mithri Golem arc found out the hard way.

Of course, it’s sad seeing Misa all depressed over the dispute between the two noble families. The city of Sheelin is evenly split, but the Salbard, who controls the west side, wasn’t satisfied by the amount of control of the city they had. In short, the Salbard family sabotaged the east side in the hopes that he could take over the other side, thus having complete control of the city.

Misa’s family hoped that throwing a birthday party could help fend off this threat by bribing them with good food. Unfortunately, they thought wrong as it’s apparent that shady people attacked their chef, so the party would get canceled. Not to mention, Cliff’s guards that tried to pick up a chief got ambushed outside the city. This seems a bit too sus.

In short, Yuna decides to ask Eleonore a favor. The King allowed Yuna to borrow the royal chef as that was the best they could do. After all, they won’t intervene in noble matters. I find it funny how the chef sees Kumakyu as a good meat candidate as Yuna gets freaked out. Thankfully, she interrupted his review as they headed back to Sheelin. Indeed, the Salbard will get outed when they try to attack Yuna and the royal chef. Hopefully, they will get a beating, and hopefully, the party will be a success.