Now that Eve had come up with her new bullet, the Rainbow Bullet Burst, it gave her an advantage. But, little did she know using this move several times in one day pushed Eve to her limits.
In a flashback ten years later, we see Leo face off his final match with Kazuhiko. Apparently, they are golfing buddies and pretty much had an even record. While Kazuhiko asked Leo why he doesn’t go pro, he said some strong golfers aren’t pros. Then, he mentions Alan’s name and ties with the underground, aka the mafia. So he instead faces off with other people to improve his golfing skills. Then, of course, he said something about teaching the next generation. This is where Eve comes in.

With Eve using her new shot, Ichina becomes concerned about the recent move taking a toll on Eve’s body. That is when Alan breaks the bad news about Eve’s new move. Since Eve hasn’t built up the strength to use that movie several times, it will significantly affect her body. There is a possibility it can kill her, which worries Ichina. But, of course, Eve doesn’t want to hold back, even on the last day against Aisha. Eve is determined to win so she can go pro and face off against her faithful match against Aoi.

Of course, Alan has one more thing up his sleeve. That is the acupuncture, which will allow Eve to finish the final round. However, Alan tells Ichina that she can’t let Eve use her ultimate move, which frustrates her. It becomes apparent when Ichina hands her a 3 wood. Ichina is holding Eve back to conserve her energy for the last hole.
Towards the last hole, Eve got pars on all the holes and eventually got to first place. As expected, the golfer in first place score got worse. Still, it’s impressive that Eve could hold on. However, despite having inconsistent results, Aisha came very close to catching up in the last hole. We learn that Aisha, like Eve, was poor and couldn’t read. However, Leo taught her how to golf, giving her a lifeline. Thus she didn’t want to lose.

Of course, Eve is at the last hole, and Ichina finally hands her the driver. She grabs it, saying she doesn’t want to give it to her. Ichina is afraid of Eve hurting her arms irreparably, and Ichina wouldn’t be able to caddie for her again. Then again, she says limits are a way to deny her potential. In other words, Ichina wants Eve to show she can go beyond her limits and have faith in her.

Believe it or not, Eve was okay, making 290 yards. While she experienced some pain, most of the damage went to the driver, thus breaking it. On the second shot, she used her last weapon, “Over the Rainbow,” to get an eagle to win the game. Yep, they surprised us big time.

Eve had difficulty standing up, but she made it through the celebratory round. After all, she must remain strong and not show weakness to Aoi as she holds the trophy. But, of course, she eventually collapses from exhaustion. At least they can face each other someday, as Aoi complains about all those interviews interfering with her practice. Hopefully, Eve will be better prepared now as she needs to build up her strength.
Exciting conclusion to Eve’s road to pro. Eve’s desire to duel Aoi is so strong nothing can stop her. She doesn’t know it yet but as mentioned before Aoi will open her eyes to the truth. The truth we all know quite well.
Everyone thought Eve wouldn’t pull through, but she did in the end. It should be interesting to see Aoi and Eve prepare for their eventual match.
Also, can’t wait for the switch game they plan to come out with.