Kokona finally breaks free from being Yae’s foil and giving her best, While Kokona is happy with the final results. However, they have a yearly special theatrical showcase. Noa intends to get revenge on a certain girl who is a harsh critic.
Kokona finally reads the magazine with Shizuka on how she did. While it’s mostly Yae, there was a small write-up from the reviewer who praised Kokona’s performance of Aladdin. Of course, it’s from a super-harsh critic, so that is already their own feat. At least there is someone that finally acknowledges them.

With that comes the yearly special theatrical showcase that Sirius Troupe does. They put on a performance for grade school students to introduce girls to the troupe and get them interested in theater. Of course, given that Noa wants revenge on Nanase Chika, who is a harsh critic and saw over 400 theatrical performances. Noa already insists on King Lear, which is a Shakespearian tragedy. But, of course, the play was so dark that it caused children to cry instead of getting interested in becoming a Dai Star.

As expected, Chika complained about Noa’s choice of having Sirius perform King Lear. She gave notes to her about what she didn’t like about King Lear. The funny thing, Noa wants to do the same play thinking it will be different this time. The thing is, well, Panda and Kathrina have the bravery to reject Noa’s decision.

As expected, Noa picked this play, thinking it would get kids interested in theater with an impactful tragedy. After all, this is the play that got her interested. I wonder what Noa sees in that play that makes others interested in such a complex play as King Lear. Thankfully, Yae suggests Romeo and Juliet. Given that Sassu and Panda didn’t get much focus yet, they got the role of Romeo and Juliet. Of course, Kokona seems upset that her Oshi, Yae, isn’t performing but sitting in the crowd, cheering them on instead.

As expected, the play is not really the focus. However, it’s symbolic as to why Sassu and Panda got the roles of Romeo and Juliet, respectively. Believe it or not, Panda and Sassu are childhood friends. They were close and always together. However, Panda gets annoyed that Panda is second best and Sassu is skilled at mostly everything. Eventually, Panda wants to become rivals with Sassu as everyone seems focused on her.

However, this changed when there was a poster about Sirius’s Special Theatrical Showcase at their school. It was a play of Romeo and Juliet. This is why this play is so important to them. Believe it or not, Panda and Sassu got a ticket. After seeing the performance, they want to go on stage together. However, Panda complains that Sassu can do everything, and she can’t. However, Sassu likes Panda for her smartness and cute looks. Since they are always together, seeing deep bonds and perhaps making a good pairing is not surprising.

Believe it or not, it’s pretty fitting that the current Sirius team is performing “Romeo and Juliet.” After all, this play got Panda and Sassu into theater. The strength in the pairing shows when Panda accidentally steps on her dress and slips and almost falls. With Sassu’s sense, she covered up her mistake and made it appear like the scene was really romantic. It really surprises Chika despite doubting them after seeing Panda’s mistake. With Sassu’s sense of incorporating any mistake made on stage part of the performance and Panda’s ability to control the stage by reading the audience’s minds, they are the dream pairing.

In the end, the children, even Chika, received the play well. While we didn’t get to see the other scenes of the performance since the focus was on Panda and Sassu, there is no wonder they are a power pairing. As expected, Kathrina looks pretty disappointed that she got another supporting role. I wonder if her frustration will show up next time. We’ll see next time. Either way, Chika is now a big fan of Sassu and Panda.
Nice to see Panda and Chisa get their own episode. We already knew they’re a couple but how they came together was cute. Their performance was great too even if I’m personally tired of Romeo and Juliet adaptations.
Wonder if Kathrina’s redemption arc will end with her playing the lead alongside her beloved Kokona?
Yes, it’s nice to see a possibly canon pairing get the spotlight, and yes, their performance was good, although I guess it’s not too surprising since Romeo and Juliet is the most popular Shakespearian play, besides the others that I read during college and grade school.
I hope Kathrina’s woes get resolved eventually in Kokona’s love triangle, if Shizuka also has feelings for her too.