Now that Aoi won the tournament with a nice comeback, she discovers the truth Reiya was hiding all along. Meanwhile, Eve struggles as Aoi did due to her “Happy Gilmore” golfing style against Aisha, who has a more powered-up version.

As expected, with Aoi going pro, she finally visits Reiya in the hospital. When he congratulates Aoi for her win and asks for a hug, he reveals that he is Aoi’s father. I guess we already knew this. At least Eve was right that Aoi should find out the answer herself.
I guess Aoi is glad that she did. But then, we see Seira change her mood towards Aoi facing off against Eve. This makes me think that hiding the secret about who is Aoi’s father and sending Eve packing is a way to get Aoi to concentrate on their goal. Yes, bringing their daughter to win the tournament and going pro. While this effort had some rough patches, it’s good for Aoi to find her resolve.

Eventually, Aoi saw the young women’s golf tournament match that Eve is participating in. Eve is struggling, just like Aoi’s first day. I find it interesting how Eve is doing pretty bad on the first day, only getting one birdie and a bunch of bogeys. Of course, Aisha’s golf is just a more powered-up version of Eve’s “Happy Gilmore” golfing. Despite getting four birdies, she got two bogeys and one bogey making her even compared to Eve, having two points. This is not a good look, as Aoi feels like Eve did during Aoi’s first day. Things aren’t made better with the golf course being all tricky.

Of course, Eve insists on doing things her way when Ichina is worried. Eve tries to reassure her that she will turn things around by changing her golf. She follows Kazuhiko’s father’s style as she gets the rainbow shots. That was enough to catch up to being even, but it’s not enough to win.

In short, she needs her own way of golfing by combining Leo’s and her father’s golfing to make something of her own. As expected, Kazuhiko wanted this in a flashback of him challenging Leo. Furthermore, he wanted him to train his daughter so she could combine both golfing styles to become the best golfer ever. No wonder why Leo had Aisha enter the tournament to challenge Eve. That way, Eve would need to fuse both golfing styles to get her golfing style out of the shell.

With that, Eve eventually discovers her powered-up golf stroke that combines Kazuhiko’s and Leo’s golfing styles. It’s the powered-up “Rainbow Bullet,” the “Rainbow Bullet Burst.” When she used it after Aisha took her shot, Eve’s stroke surpassed Aisha’s. I find it funny how Vipre leaves the match once Eve gets an eagle with her “Rainbow Bullet Burst.” Is this enough for Eve to win against Aisha and finally go pro? We will see next time, but I have a good feeling that Eve will win as “Happy Gilmore” golf won’t be enough to win.
Reviews from OTher Bloggers
Birdie Wing Episode 21: Unleash the Ultimate – The Yuri Empire
Seriously if this show doesn’t end with a kiss between Eve and Aoi I’ll be annoyed. They’re prime and ready to become gay icons. The Rainbow Burst is excellent by the way.
Aisha Kong is yet another fun adversary for Eve. It’s like she keeps facing these weirdos while Aoi’s battles are against more serious competitors. Makes sense given their upbringings.
Excited to see Aisha get serious and how Eve will overcome her.
Yes, they need to make it happen given all the developments happen so far and that build up to Eve’s special shot as well, a rainbow too.
Still, I have my doubts about Aisha despite being a formidable opponent for Eve. Doing the Happy Gilmore thing can only get her so far..