As the Blume “popularity contest” is underway, things with Kanako get tense regarding her feelings for Hime. But, of course, Sumika wants to put a stop to this.
From last time, it’s apparent that Kanako is acting strange. She has a sense of envy over Mitsuki’s and Hime’s sisterhood. Moreover, she doesn’t like how Mitsuki might have feelings for Hime and vice versa.

Now that Sumika knows about Kanako’s secret, she sees Kanako bring her romantic feelings for Hime becoming a threat over the balance of the restaurant. In a flashback, we see what looks like Nene was in a relationship with her and is Schwester. When Sumika came in, the older sister in Nene’s Schwester relationship told her not to meddle in their romance. However, they eventually broke up. As a result, Sumika believes that her coworkers bring in romance can ruin the whole theme of the restaurant. After all, the Schwester and yuri thing is just for their job, right?

As expected, Sumika notices that Kanako’s jealousy and romantic feelings for Hime can become problematic. After all, Sumika notices that Kanako is a bit too close to Hime, especially her support for her. With Hime and Kanako planning to vote for each other, Sumika finds this problematic. It becomes noticeable when Hime is upset over Mitsuki not planning to vote for her. While Mitsuki gives a good act as she brings Hime’s face to her chest, which angers Kanako. Before she could do anything, Suimika stopped her.
Eventually, Sumika talked to Kanako. Sumika knows that Kanako is not timid but unpredictable, given how impulsive when it involves Hime. Sumika sees Kanako’s attraction towards Hime as problematic. When Kanako brings up the schwestern thing, she seems against it despite Sumika saying it’s not a romantic relationship. After all, it’s just a Class-S relationship where they are close but not to the point of an actual relationship.

Sumika shows interest in being a schwester with Kanako, but Kanako is focused on Hime. After all, she believes that Hime is her only best friend. Obviously, Kanako’s jealousy shows as she asks why Hime should be close to someone like Mitsuki. Eventually, Kanako is in tears as Sumika says Kanako shouldn’t be possessive with Hime.
Eventually, Kanako goes back into the staff room after giving a blank stare. From this, Sumika has no choice but to stop Kanako as she doesn’t want the same thing to play out with Nene and the unknown purple-haired girl she was in a relationship with.

However, things don’t improve when the preliminary result shows that Mitsuki is in the first place. It’s not too surprising to see Hime in last place. After all, she lacks the qualities an older sister would have, as she is clumsy and inexperienced. She is more of little sister material, especially given her cute looks. That is in comparison to Mitsuki, who looks like an ideal older sister besides her personality and experience.

While Hime resigns herself from the contest, Kanako doesn’t take it well as she talks privately with her. Kanako really doesn’t want Hime to give up. Of course, Sumika becomes worried as Kanako asks Sumika a favor. She wants Sumika to win the contest. If Mitsuki doesn’t win, Kanako can make it work with Hime. Also, it will not put the Mitsuki and Hime pairing in the spotlight. Now, Kanako wants Sumika to tell her what she wants. When she mentions something about Kanako and Hime, Kanako blushes.

Sumika now knows that Kanako has one-sided romantic feelings for Hime. When Kanako wants Sumika to abolish the Schwestern system. The way she says this makes her appear like a yandere. Sumika has no choice but to have Kanako come clean with her feelings for Hime. That is while showing a photo of Kanako touching Hime’s hair with her finger. Either way, Sumika wants Kanako to give up on Hime to prevent repeating what happened with Nene. Can she pull it off? We have to wait and see.
Reviews from Other Bloggers
- Yuri is My Job! Episode 8: Love Panic Ahoy – The Yuri Empire
The Kanoko and Sumika drama escalates quickly and I’m so here for it!
Also excited to see the full story of that flashback. Would be shocked if the younger girl isn’t my sweet Nene.
Yes, the drama with Kanako and Sumika are juicy I must say, but I do hope to learn more about why Kanako has a thing for Hime, and more about Nene of course.