The opening day is finally here for “Arabian Nights.” Still, It’s evident that Panda was right about Kokona being a foil, but is she doing it on purpose?
From the performance, it appears that it’s well received. Kokona’s performance of Aladin is getting better, but there is one thing she is not realizing. Shouldn’t the person in the leading role should shine? Unfortunately, it’s not the case, as seen with the merchandise, as the one with Kokona isn’t being sold at all.

From this, you might wonder, is Kokona forgetting about her promise to Shizuka. They promise that they are going to become a World Dai Star together. Panda and Sassu seem worried about Kokona, not realizing she is being used to make Yae look good. She eventually brings this up to Noa after Kokona has a screw-up that Yae covered up.

Even before that, Shizuka was trying to get to Kokona. She feels Kokona doesn’t understand her character and is just happy to perform with her #1 Oshi, Yae. While Kokona tries to deny this as Shizuka tells it as it is. She believes Kokona’s performance is bland, as if she is letting Yae have her way.
Shizuka knows that Kokona can perform her role better. After all, this is Kokona’s chance to shine and get closer to becoming a Dai Star. Sadly, Kokona seems more focused on having fun with Yae that, send will end up being Yae’s foil, which is what Shizuka is worried about.

Sadly, Kokona brushes it off. She eventually notices after messing up her third performance. That is after realizing what Shizuka said about herself becoming Yae’s foil. She looked at the audience, and nobody was looking at her. Noa had to talk to her since Kokona wasn’t paying attention to her performance. Noa tells her to rest.

Kokona doesn’t know what to do during her resting time before realizing Shizuka is gone. Shizuka gave up on Kokona as she believed having fun with Yae was more important than performing at her best. While looking for Shizuka the next day, she overheard some ladies talking about the performance Sirius Trope gave. The women don’t even remember their names and only fangirl about Yae.

What really gave Kokona the push was Kathrina, of course. I like how she acts so sweet to Kokona as she knows the situation. Kathrina asks why she joined Sirius and, of course, tells Kokona that she is in control and reminds her that by taking the leading role, she is one step closer to becoming a World Dai Star. This makes Kokona realize she is throwing the chance away if she continues to become Yae’s foil and does not step up her performance. Finally, Kokona realizes the promise she made to Shizuka and hugs Kathrina.

She runs back to Sirius as she talks with Shamo a bit. Shamo mentions that watching Kokona reminds her of Noa, that she does everything herself, unable to see what is happening around her. Shamo reassures that Noa chose her for the lead since she believes Kokona and Shizuka can do it.

While this seems like it’s Yae making Kokona into her foil, it’s more of Noa wanting to see Kokona’s potential by using her sense and bringing Shizuka along. It took a while for Kokona to realize this as she went back on stage to look for Shizuka. Kokona finally apologizes for not hearing her out and still want to become a World Dai Star. Thankfully, Shizuka reappeared. Hopefully, Kokona can work with Shizuka to make her role of Aladdin shine instead of Kokona making herself a foil and disappointing everyone. We’ll see how it goes next time.
Poor Kokona learned the hard way she had lost focus.
Noa’s a good woman at heart but her plan to skyrocket Yae to the top at Kokona’s expense was not right.
Panda reminded me she’s very serious about performance art. Not sus.
The real winner this episode was Kathrina.
The biggest surprise was Chisa’s hidden power.
Excited to see our main duo go all out again next time.
Yep, being obsessed over the idea of performing with your favorite actress is a recipe for disaster. I kind of wish Kokona would listen to Shizuka so she wouldn’t fell into the trap. Still, what Noa did isn’t rgiht and it’s good that Panda is calling her out on it.
Yes, the Kathrina scene is good, being all defrosted and such. Still, Shizuka obviously has the upper hand, but it will be interesting to see how Kokona should perform her role of Aladin to begin with.