Koito has some exams coming up, but Elda wants to hang out with her as always. So we know how this turns out, kind of.
It’s evident that exams are coming up, and Koito hasn’t made much progress as she is studying. I guess all that time hanging out and focusing too much on shrine maiden duties and not studying. Inevitably, Koito has catch-up to do as she studies flashcards as Elda plays with her action figures. She is waiting for Koito as she notices that Koito is not coming around as of late.

Yep, Elda gets all panicked thinking that she is upsetting her. But, in reality, Koito is busy because of the upcoming exams. So, even in the study room, she has trouble concentrating. Besides Elda giving her that charm, she dropped not being from their shrine. Still, Elda is very lonely as she tries to entice Koito with 20-year-old fashion magazines. Also, Elda mentions her time learning stuff from temple school, including Japanese. Still, Elda seems worried that Koito got sick of her, which is understandable.

Still, studying is a struggle for Koito. I admit I wasn’t as studious in high school, but that changed when I got into college. So yes, when working on my Master’s Degree, I had to buckle down since the courses were harder, especially the Computer Science ones. Also, it’s easy to feel distracted, given how monotonous the study material can be.

I can understand the struggle Koito faces as she gets distracted by her smartphone, Elda wanting to hang out with Koito, and noticing how cluttered the room is. Before she knew it, an hour passed away. She eventually did a study session on Japanese History, and Elda knows all of it with her experiences. However, Koito gets annoyed by her worthless stories that she goes at it alone.

I find it funny how Elda had to entice Koito with good sushi, but she realizes that will drain her funds. I find it funny how Elda wants Koito to bomb the test, but she got an excellent score. So there goes Elda’s spending money on figures, video games, and snacks.

In the second segment, we see Ayane taking Elda and Koito on their shrine maiden duties to go to the highest point in Tokyo to pray to Lord Ieyasu Tokugawa by looking at Mt Fuji. They went to the Sky Tree to do it, and Elda feared heights.

That is while they head to the observation deck, and Koito seems happy. At least we learn a bit about the ceremony, the tallest buildings, and why Mt Fuji is a significant place to Ieyasu. Yes, Elda’s complaining about humans making taller buildings is hilarious.

At least Koito tries to comfort her as they go up and manage to get there safely. Elda is happy to introduce Koito to Ieyasu through Mt Fuji. The funny thing is that Elda prays that Koito won’t get angry when she buys a slightly expensive figure. Then, Koito prays that Elda would stop playing video games through the night. Yep, it ends up in a war of prayers, which is quite funny.
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