If you caught the last scene after the credits, another elf-girl will apparently meet Elda. But, of course, Elda will dread this moment.

If you can tell by the last scene, you wonder why Koito’s grandfather left a task to do. After all, she mentions that guests come from Osaka, which gives Elda chills. The funny thing is that Grandpa’s guests got separated. When Koito head back, she finds a child crying. It’s, in fact, an elf that got separated from Himawari, which is her shrine maiden. The funny thing is that Himawari appears at Takamimi Shrine, and Elda becomes scared.

Eventually, Yolde was crying on Himawari’s lap, which is surprising since she is one year older than Elda. Kohinata Hiromi is her Miko. Believe it or not, they are summoned simultaneously. However, Yolde looks slightly more childish than the more mature-looking Elda.
What is interesting is the difference in personality between Elda and Yolde. Yolde appears more outgoing and energetic than the more introverted Elda, who feels uncomfortable going outside.

Of course, Yolde came to settle the Ringberry Bjorling. The funny thing is that they are just playing tic-tac-toe. Instead of using X and Os, they used special symbols. It ends up in a tie, which is expected. I find it funny how Koito points out that there will never be a winner if neither makes a mistake. It took them to realize that after 399 matches. It was funny how Himawari pretended she didn’t know this as she wanted to see how long they could keep this going. After all, she sees this as a friendship between Yolde and Elda.

The funny thing is that Elda ends up one-upping Yolde. When they had sweets, Yolde said she bought a gift of pork buns in 551. The funny thing is that they are not kudarimono, as Elda explains. She tells her it’s not that, and they are meibutsu or local specialty since it only came from that area.
Yolde starts crying that Elda is more intelligent than her despite being a big sister. I guess Elda finally wins, but it’s obvious Yolde proclaims she is the better one since she is one year older. Of course, Elda concedes that win to cheer her up. It’s still apparent who is the older sister in this case.

Either way, it seems that they paid a visit to Elda as Himawari and Yolde are going to a concert at the Tokyo Dome. Funny how they whip out the Uchiwa fans. It’s obvious why Elda doesn’t want to see Yolde and Grandpa running away. At least Koito is happy to see Elda acting differently from her usual self.

In the second half, it can easily be summed up like this. Elda catches Yolde’s elf cold, and they are both sick. I find it cute how Elda uses her communication powers to get Koito to stay with her. Of course, the doctor’s scene is funny as Elda gets upset that Akane is treating her, not Kaoru. Akane had to tell Elda that her mother retired. Also, Koito and Akane had to restrain Elda when she received a shot. I can understand how receiving a shot feel. They can be painful. I had to take many during my childhood for my allergies. Still, Koito points out how much Akane cleans up nicely after removing her glasses and letting down her hair.

From pampering Elda, she remembered when her mother cared for her when she got sick. So she decides to make rice potage for Elda. The funny thing is that Koyuzu sees her older sister cooking simultaneously. To Koito’s surprise, Koyuzu made a rice cutlet bowl for Elda and preferred her meal. Koito has a long way to go until Elda accepts her meal.

Also, it’s funny to see Himawari having her hands complete as Yolde cries and demands a skewered meal. Himawari decides to order something from “Uher Eats.” Got to love the bland names in this show.
Reviews from Other Bloggers
- Otaku Elf Episode 4: Elf “Wars” – The Yuri Empire
Yolde and Himawari are welcome additions to the cast as expected. My poor gut after the reveal of tic tac toe.
Dr Akane is a beast. Wowzers.
Yep, it seems that Elves are too smart that nobody will win, but the reveal is hilarious and Yolde is fun.
True about Akane.