Now that Aoi’s mother knows who Eve is, she plans to kick her out of Japan. Of course, Aoi doesn’t react well to this news.
If you couldn’t tell from the preview of the last episode, it’s obvious what happened. Seira didn’t take well to learning that Aoi interacted with Eve, who has connections to the mafia. Yep, it’s because she played for Catherine, who owns a mafia. But, of course, there is another side to Eve’s family that we still don’t know about. So either way, Seira might still have connections to the mafia, thanks to Kazuhiko.

With that, Seira hired a mob to chloroform Eve and send her packing back to not-France. Yes, the mob guy has some nerves saying Eve is banned from all tournaments in Japan. He showed that someone had hired the guy, as he mentioned Aoi’s name. Of course, Eve tripped that guy that kidnapped her. She will find her way back to Japan and participate in tournaments there, no matter what. She made a promise to Aoi.

Of course, Aoi, Amane and Ichina find out what happened. All Reiya said was that Eve resigned and left. Aoi seems suspicious, and Amane can only say she is being held hostage. Not to mention, Aoi is not doing that great during practice. When she remembered her resolve. As for Ichina, Reiya simply says she must find her to convince her to return. I wonder if he is in on it or simply doesn’t know. I think it’s more of the former. Either way, I feel that Ichina will go to not-France to find Eve whatever she does next.

With Eve back in not-France, she meets the snake lady or Vipere. I find it funny how she doesn’t know who she is since she looks different, or this is a running gag. She went to her yacht as she received more information about her mother. Believe it or not, Eleanor Burton is the daughter of Michael Burton. Yet, somehow, she is unmarried. I wonder why? Either way, Seira has ties with the mafia, whether she likes it or not. After all, her “fake” husband has connections with the mafia.

We learn that her father has ties to the mafia and owns a golf brand named Arios. He is part of the most powerful mafia. When Eve revealed, she might be their grandmother, Vapire and her husband laughed before they realized it was for real. Of course, Eve doesn’t intend to get close to them but wonders why her mother didn’t marry.

At the grave, Eve pays respect to her mother’s grave when a butler comes and recognizes that Eve looks like Eleanor. The butler’s name is Allen Harvey. He revealed Eleanor enjoyed playing golf and was raised apart from any dealings. We also find out that she loves golf. I can see how she met Kazuhiko.

They probably didn’t marry because they were working on behalf of different brands. It’s a Romeo and Juliet type of story. Then, of course, Eleanor fled the mansion to live a secret life together. They probably had a child so they could make amends after getting married in Japan. This explains the cruise they intended to take to Japan, but we know what happened.

Either way, Eve decides to challenge Ario’s sponsored golfer. As expected, Eve beats their golfer quite quickly before their caddy is actually Eve’s stepfather and her mother’s father, Michael Burton. Then, of course, Vipere becomes surprised by how much Eve’s golf changed since she came back to Japan.

Apparently, that old man who was a caddy already knew that Eve was Eleanor’s child since Eve looked like her. Allen reveals that he sent her there and told them everything about her. Knowing this, it won’t be surprising if Michael decides to help Eve. Either way, it looks like Ichina is going to not-France to be her caddy. Can Eve make it big in Europe before going back to Japan? We’ll find out soon enough.
Reviews from Other Bloggers
- Birdie Wing Episode 17: Destiny Detour – The Yuri Empire
More reveals that I had a good feeling about. The bombs on the boat theory was wrong though.
Although Aoi isn’t as deep in Eve’s mind as she is in Aoi’s it’s clear she too years to be with her for more than a promised golf duel.
Happy to see Vipere again. She’s a favorite.
Excited for more action next time.
Yep, it’s just unfortunate that the titanic happened, and Eve going through a life of hell. But it’s nice that Aoi haven’t given up on her promise even if her mother insists on her doing so. Seeing Vipere is fun.
It’s nice to see Ichina back, wonder how she react to seeing Eve and hearing that she is part of the Mafia.