Since Edomae Elf is enjoyable enough, I will cover it on my main blog. However, since my first impressions were on my new side anime blog, I will share them with my impressions of the 2nd episode.
Episode 1

Edomae Elf or Otaku Elf intrigued me since it was a Miko girl looking after a 600-year-old something elf lady named Elda. Koganei Koito, the new shrine maiden, discovers that Elda spends her time doing otaku stuff.

As expected, Elda is quite an amusing elf lady. While she is revered as a goddess. That is after being summoned 400 years old by their ancestors from the Edo period at Takamimi Shrine. Elda becomes a goddess from a promise that she revealed to Koito. The funny thing is that she recently shut herself in the shrine for 60 years after some incident involving a young boy, silly it might be.

Now, she plays video games, watches anime, reads manga, builds model kits, and even drinks cans of Red Bull. When Koito comes in, she becomes annoyed at Eida for neglecting her duties while begging for cans of Red Bull. While I don’t drink energy drinks, I admit that nobody expected them to put Red Bull and Channel as product placement.

What I find amusing are the offerings that Elda receives, which is everything she likes, including a VR headset, which she is particularly excited about. After Koito prayed, Elda was already wearing and playing with the VR headset. As expected, Koito became upset and slapped Elda with a paper fan. As expected, this scene was hilarious. We know that the old lady in the electronic shop gave it to her so Elda would buy video games from her.

Of course, Koito doesn’t seem to like Elda’s hobbies. After all, she met Elda after Koito’s mother’s funeral, and Elda had a different voice than she does now. So after meeting the old lady, there is a desire to get her out of the house. Of course, Koito manages to get Elda out of the house after Elda gets upset at Koito for attempting to put away the kotatsu. Koitsu gets upset at Elda for being a NEET elf and not the stylish one she expected. Regardless, this whole getting upset at each other is funny and silly.

Thankfully, Koito and Elda made up. The funny thing is that Elda’s deep voice is due to her cold, and she is not usually this way. As expected, her legs got tired since she spent most of the time in her room, and she realized how much the area had changed. Overall, it’s a fun first episode, and I wonder how Elda’s relationship with Koito will develop from here. Also, yes, the Channel bag Koito bag doesn’t suit her.
Episode 2

After Elda meets Koyuzu, Koitsu’s little sister, who made dinner for her, she seems comfortable talking to her. Of course, Koma discovers this as she becomes jealous of Koyuzu. She appears to want to meet Elda.

Of course, the reason they are eating at not-McDonalds for some specific toys. Yes, it’s starting to sound like the time during my childhood. That is when they had those Pokémon toys at Burger King and Baby Beanie Babies at Mcdonald’s. I find it funny how Koma thinks Koitsu will become chubby and looks cuter since she bought three combos for the toys Elda wants. I find this fact funny that Koito gets annoyed as she blushes.

Meanwhile, Elda receives a package from not-Amazon over those frog tank figure loot boxes. As expected, she pulled three of the same figures she already had and thought about buying more. How she reacted is how I feel when I roll in a gacha game and not getting the character I want. The disappointment, along with the predatory business practices, is so relatable. Still, it’s interesting how Elda seems motivated to stamp the delivery signature card to take the package.

Eventually, Koma came over after Koito gave the prizes Elda really wanted. Elma gets worked up with Koma showing up at the inner shrine. Koito introduces Koma to Elma before Koma makes fun of her ears. Not a great start there, as she is very sensitive about that. That is before Koito scolds Elma for buying those figure loot boxes.

As expected, Elma shows Koma and Koito her Frog Tank collection. She buys them since they contain a price, like the figures she collected in the old days. It gives her nostalgia for the Edo days, receiving pictures when she bought medicine, she received a picture.
When she discovers the Frog Tanks, she misses the boat for the original collection. As someone who selectively collects anime figures, I know old anime figures can sometimes be expensive, especially from a popular series. However, I will pay more for the item since I have been there.
I find it funny how they referenced standing in line for the latest iPhone and Dragon Quest 3. Not so much of the former since people aren’t doing that these days. Maybe in the early days when the iPhone (3G/3GS/4/etc) came on the market.

Thankfully, Koma knows a place and decides to get it for her since Elma is too shy to do it herself. So she pulled through and bought one while giving her tsukudani too. I guess how Elma views Koma well now. After all, she wanted to thank her but couldn’t come over.

In the second half, Koyuzu came over and talked about food. They eventually talked about monjayaki and different toppings, even some that Elma had never heard of. After all, things have changed. Koyuzu wants to research monjayaki, and she thinks about having dinner at a restaurant tonight. While she invited Elma, she seemed very reluctant, given her shyness. However, she couldn’t say no after Koyuzu asked her after giving her a sweet aura.

Ultimately, Elma seemed to enjoy the various Monjayaki at the restaurant outing with Koito and Koyuzu. Koyuzu reserved the restaurant, so they are the only ones there. That helps Elma’s shyness as she eats a lot, thus raising a huge $100 restaurant bill for Koito to pay. However, she is willing to pay for it as it makes Elma happy. The food looked delicious, and seeing the girls’ reactions after tasting it was nice.
Reviews from Other Blogs
- Otaku Elf Episode 2: Of Figures and Meals – The Yuri Empire
- Otaku Elf Episode 2: Our Comfort Food War – Rory Muses
Koito took notes from Hitori on how to turn into a living puppet I see.
Koma is best side girl so far.
Elda is a great and relatable otaku.
Goos old softcore food porn.
Enjoying this one a lot so far.
Good reference to that scene, but I kind of thought of that too. Koma and Koito might make a good pairing.
Yes, Elda is the reason I wanted to watch this show, but I didn’t expect to cover it, until Kizuna no Allele disappointed me, especially with the latest episode peddling NFTs, yep, we are not going there with that scam.
I agree, the food looks too good in this show.