With the golf tournament underway, how do Eve and Aoi fare as they head to the semi-finals?
While I haven’t covered the first season’s second half, I can sum it up like this. Eve makes it to Japan with a new identity, and Aoi is happy to see her. But, of course, Eve avoids her hug. But, of course, besides Eve getting a new caddy, Ichina, that resembles Lily, she receives a lot of training thanks to the coach.
He is preparing Eve so she can perform her best in the tournament. No wonder he arranges for Eve and Ichina to do a mini-golf match with Kaoruko and Kuyo. So, she can witness Kaoruko using her ability “in the zone,” which allows her to make accurate shots. Given that Aoi and Eve will face Kaoruko and Kuyo in the doubles tournament, where they each play as a pair, they will eventually encounter them.

Fast forward to the tournament as it’s underway. Things are going well in the second round for Aoi and Eve. As always, they showed their best in golf as they managed to win the first round. Sure, they had a few screwups. Aoi made a stroke, and the golf ball hit a rock and landed in the rough. Eve manages to fix Aoi’s mistake and make it in the hole as best as possible. Sadly, this means that Aoi isn’t getting a kiss for making 4 mistakes, and she falls down. I find it cute that Aoi seems upset over this since she looked forward to it. Maybe it will motivate her to do better in the next round.

Of course, Eve went off somewhere to meet the coach. He asked about Leo Millafoden, and Eve knows. It’s the guy that thought Aoi to do golf. Leo is no ordinary golfer, as he seeks out people who can master golf. Apparently, the coach challenged him, and he lost badly. The only person who beats him is Aoi’s dad. Who is he, exactly. The coach kind of resembles him, after all. He also mentions that he only saw Eve use 5 of the 7 “bullets.” Yep, Eve probably has more up her sleeve.

As for the next match, Aoi and Eve face off against Kaoruko and Kuyo in the semi-finals. Yep, this is the same pair, who seem very close that Aoi faced in a mini-golf match to see Kaoruko’s “in the zone” ability. However, we see a flashback of Kaoruko’s coach telling her to improve her golfing skills instead of relying on her “in the zone” ability. He is afraid that Kaoruko depending on her “in the zone” ability, causes her shots to become far less accurate. Yes, it’s that same coach which whom she gets mad at. After all, she is nothing without it, so she probably went for another coach that trained her hard so she could use with at every shot.

As for most of the match, it was a dead heat. While Kaoruko used the “in the zone” ability several times, even a powered-up deeper version towards the later holes. When Kaoruko got it in, Kuyo seemed very happy that she did. Then, of course, Aoi got it in.

However, although Eve noticed, Aoi started having a strange headache that she tried to hide. After all, Eve and Aoi need to win this hole so they don’t have to do a sudden death. Kuyo does her best by making her best shot. Sadly, Eve’s shot already exceeded what Kuyo could do.

While Kaoruko tries to fix it by using “in the zone” deep, she screws up badly as she hits her limits. Now, it’s Aoi’s chance, except her headache causes her to fall short of the ball hitting the bush as her headache worsens. The coach notices as he calls Aoi by her first name, which seems suspicious for Jinguuji. Is the coach actually Aoi’s father?

Thankfully, Eve finishes the job by showing her sixth bullet, which allows her to make precise shots like Kaoruko. Everyone seems amazed by Eve’s new shot as the ball makes it into the hole. Yep, Eve knows how to finish the job for Aoi. Still, from this, Eve remembers something about her father and mother. What is it? We’ll find out eventually.
Reviews from Other Bloggers:
- Birdie Wing Episode 14: Return of Shonen Golf – The Yuri Empire
Glad to have the Shonen Golf babes back. Great return to form.
The mysteries are developing and I’m intrigued.
Aoi must get her kiss from Eve sooner or later. Would be an injustice for her to be denied dem lips.
While it took 1 year to get to this point, but it’s not too surprising how Kaoruko using “in the zone” so many time eventually led her to screw up eventually. Still, I wonder about Aoi’s condition happening out of nowhere and more on Eve’s past. But yes, that kiss needs to happen, eventually.