From last time, Anis gets upset at Euphie for not only considering a spirit contract but also taking what she has left. However, given the visions from the first episode, there is something more to why she feels the need to become queen. We find out why as Anis challenges Euphie to a duel.
As expected, Anis expected that Euphie won’t change her mind. After all, she firmly believes in Anis’s dream of making magicology a reality. Not only that, she cares about how Anis is feeling. Still, Anis insists on challenging her to a duel as her parents, Ilia and Laine, watch.
Of course, Euphie formed the Spirit Contract before she dueled Anis. Despite Anis having dragon power, she was no match for Euphie. Still, the duel was emotional before Anis and Euphie unleashed their magic. She believes that Euphie has all the freedom she has. Euphie can live how she wants, and there is no need to take Anis’s place.

Of course, Euphie said she doesn’t want to take her place, as in her dream, magic, and the ability to fly higher and further. In a way, Euphie wants to become queen for Anis’s own good, as she won’t be able to achieve her dream. Without the burden of being Queen, Anis can focus on making her dream come true.
Still, Anis sees this as Euphie sacrificing herself as a means of doing it, even though she already did without noticing. Anis isn’t true to her feelings as Euphie says she needs to do this to end a world that hurts and crushes Anis’s dream. Still, it’s unsurprising that she is committed to winning against Anis as she wants her beloved to be happy for once.

Ultimately, Anis is no match for Euphie as she sees how pretty Euphie’s magic is. In the end, Anis confronts her actual feelings as she realizes she can never match Euphie’s powers. Despite Anis being sad about her self-worth, Euphie admits Anis is the one that brought her this far. Without her, the world wouldn’t be able to love the world and see it as beautiful. Anis finally admits that she wasn’t okay all this long, which Euphie wanted her to realize.

After that emotional moment, we find out why Anis is unwilling to initially give up her position as queen. Anis apparently had a secret all along that she planned to keep secret until she died. She trusts Euphie, given how much she trusts her.
The secret is that she remembers her past life in a different world. Yes, a world that is the earth where magic is only a thing from fairy tales and technology exists. It seemed like a reality when she came to this world, yet she didn’t get magical abilities. In another world, Anis is an isekai heroine with no special overpowered ability. Still, the past person is a woman. After all, Anis admitted to being a lesbian during her childhood.

Still, the reason why Anis was dead set on being a queen is because of guilt. The feeling that she took the person’s body by reincarnating as Anis. Anis is unsure if she is what she is, although Euphie doesn’t think so. After all, Anis is the one that took Euphie in, and she was genuine in doing so. After all, Euphie knows very well that she cares deeply about her and tells Anis not to call herself fake.

When Euphie admits that Anis is the best magician in the world, she thanks her. Shortly after, Euphie kisses Anis and wonders why. Yep, Euphie admits she wants to since she loves her. Yep, Anis becomes flustered, but it’s evident that this is what she wants as they kiss a bit more. Either way, it’s a lovely scene, nevertheless.

As for the rest of the episode, Anis’s family takes Euphie in as she becomes the queen. Anis continues to be a princess as her parents finally retire. Anis and Euphie work hard to convince the nobles of their plan to make Magiclogy a reality as they coordinate the machines and clothing that allow people to fly. Most importantly, Euphie presents Anis with a new magic sword called Celestial. I think this is a pretty fitting name.

They eventually showed off their efforts at a show for the townspeople. Notice Euphie’s new last name. Is it like they got married? Perhaps. Still, it’s nice to see Anis and Euphie act like a real couple, along with some nice Ilia and Laine moments thrown in as well. Hopefully, Anis will find a way to live forever in one way or another.
Final Thoughts
As expected, Tensei Oujo to Tensai Reijou no Mahou Kakumei exceeded expectations. Sure, the political aspect can get with the whole class system, and of course, Al is being misguided to try and bring it down through force.
Still, I like how Anis’s and Euphie’s character develops throughout the series. Anis has a lot of inspiration and knows how to bring Euphie closer to believing her dream. In return, Euphie felt in that dream as she got closer and developed feelings for her. Yes, the moments are lovely and emotional as Anis doubts her self-worth after Al decides to jump off the deep end and feels the need to become queen. Thankfully, Euphie understands that she needs Anis not to become one as she finally understands how she feels.
Overall, the story was thought-provoking, and it’s a surprise that the protagonist who gets isekai’d doesn’t have overpowered abilities. She only has her memories, which makes her character fascinating as she takes risks to gain the ability to use magic and fly. While it’s uncertain that this will receive a second season (although I like to see one), this was an interesting watch and might be a contender for this year’s top anime. We’ll know once I watch other anime from this year. Also, let’s not forget how good the Ilia and Lainie pairing and Tilty are.
Other Reviews
- 482nd G-View: The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady – The Yuri Empire
- The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Episode 12: Anis and Euphie fight over who’s right – Crows World of Anime
- MagiRevo, Episode 12: Your Day Is Yet to Come – Beneath the Tangles
I was expecting a “grand finale” for the show, but never in the yuri level it reached now. A very good surprise, specially seeing Euphie take the lead in her relationship with Anis.
Even so, a second season would be welcomed to develop more the AnisxEuphie romance and for more details of IliaxLainie pair.
And Tilty took the “best wingwoman” trophy of the show, as her counseling was essencial to our yuri happy end. With her backstory, it would be interesting if she had her own side story solving curse mysteries.
Yep, it pretty much exceeds expectations, but I do hope for a second season as I would like to see how these lovely pairings develop and how their magical revolution is progressing. But yes, Tilty is good along with the Lainie and Ilia pairing.
That said, the manga only got close to the end of the second light novel volume, but I do wonder how the manga will adapt the third volume.
A most excellent show and the best of the season or even year so far.
Glorious finale that cannot be done justice.
If a 2nd season does not happen I am more than content with what we got.
Agreed, while we don’t know how the rest of the yuri shows turn out, this is a top contender and the kissing scene with Anis and Euphie is lovely. Still, hoping for a second season though like most of us do.