Last time, Mitsuha managed to get help from a mercenary to help defend the evacuees from the hordes of monsters. Will they manage to pull it off? What about the Alder Empire about to evade?

As expected, the mercenary leader and Mitsuha discover that shooting the goblin’s head is more effective than the body. It makes sense, but they have a problem. Their ammo is quite limited. Therefore, Mitsuha returned to the real world to pick up some fireworks she would sell to create a firewall with fire and fireworks. It was super effective, although the soldier controlling the monsters ran away.

While the evacuees managed to make it across alive, they are not out of the clear yet. The Alder Empire is still about to evade the kingdom. Thankfully, the mercenary accepted Mitsuha’s offer while secretly investigating that jackalope. Nothing too suspicious, right? Also, Mitsuha’s battle outfit looks well over the top, giving the Messenger of Lightning feeling. The seamstress seemed very happy from the eye catch when she made this outfit. Finally, she gave a speech to convince the mercenaries to join her on her mission. Of course, they all did since they had faith in her.

Meanwhile, the King and people responsible for the defense wondered what those Humvees and modern military equipment were. When they say Mitsuha, they know it’s reinforcements. Of course, the townspeople saw Mitsuha as the Messenger of Lightning as they gained faith that they could fend off an invader attack.

As for the fighting, the Alder Empire finds out the hard way they mess with Mitsuha. If you played any 3X game like Civilization, researching powerful military units is essential to improve your military power. If you fall behind, any civilization can come and bring yours down easily.
Since Mitsuha can transport modern military equipment, the Alder Empire doesn’t stand a chance as their elite forces that can control monsters and monsters get shot down. Mitsuha thought of this since it would ensure an easy victory.
Yep, Alder Empire’s middle-aged weapons and armor seem ineffective against Mitsuha’s forces’ modern military equipment, and they don’t stand a chance. You can compare this to Ukraine outgunning the Russians as they receive more powerful weapons. Even the Wyverns don’t stand a chance as they get gunned down by anti-air guns.

In the end, funny to see the Alder Empire military leader faint from having all his powerful forces defeated and left with the conscripts. With the warriors who can control the monsters now dead, the monsters can turn against them. When Mitsuha thinks they can easily win, a giant dragon emerges from behind. It’s unknown if the Alder Empire controls it, but it might not be. So Mitsuha might need to become a dragon slayer.

Hopefully, Colette and her parents will safely make it out of their village and reunite with Mitsuha. Also, I wonder how Mitsuha will deal with a dragon. Hopefully, it will resolve well for her and the kingdom.
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