After seeing Anis entirely out of it as she decides to take the throne, Euphie finally becomes true to her feelings. However, she can’t help to see Anis completely give up her Magicology dream that she wants to become a reality.
At the beginning of the episode, we see Anis entirely out of it declaring her intention to become Queen. What is saddening is that the nobles are gleeful that Anis will become a queen so she can give up her work on Magicology. They don’t treat her with respect but as a means to produce an heir.

This can explain why Anis’s little brother, despite being unethical and probably a jerk despises them. No matter what Anis does or even takes the throne, they will never respect her since she has no magical abilities. This also shows that the nobles are stuck in their old ways like the conservatives in real life. They want to protect their control of power and the status quo since they have magic. So they see Magicology as a threat as it allows everyone to use technology built with magic. This, of course, takes power away from the nobles, which they are afraid of.

You might wonder what risks Lumi has in creating the contract with the spirits. When Anis meets with her parents, with Euphie, Ilia, and Lainie tagging along, they discover why. Lumi or Lumielle Rene Palettia. She was the former Queen who is one of Anis’s ancestors. She decided to form a spirit contract out of love to be with her Prince, for which she had romantic feelings. However, she finds out that her and his lifespans are different. With time, she forgot her memories and feelings for him despite writing them down since she is basically immortal and time.

I can see why Euphie is willing to make the sacrifice despite the drawbacks that Lumi gave. Sure, losing morality and possibly her feelings are the risks she is ready to take. After all, Anis did a lot to take her and gave her something to believe in. However, after seeing the potential of Anis’s dreams with Magicology and developing feelings for her, she can’t help to see Anis in this state. She wants to help her as Anis did in the past. She knows Anis doesn’t want to give up her dreams and take a job where she will never receive respect.
In a way, Euphie making a contract has few drawbacks as she can take over as the Queen as she is prepared for it. Also, the nobles would respect her for making the contract. With that, Euphie would relieve Anis from having to become the Queen. Thus she can continue to work on her dream and not have to deal with those nobles. Still, bringing up the spirit contract surprised everyone in the room, but Anis seemed very upset.

However, Anis gave a reaction that Euphie didn’t expect. You would think she would take it as a good thing, but it gave the opposite effect. She was worried about Euphie making a sacrifice of not being human and losing her feelings. So she would instead become Queen even if she doesn’t want to and give up her dreams instead of taking Euphie’s offer before she runs away to Tilty’s place. That is after she finds her sitting in the alley looking sad while soaking wet.

I can understand why Anis feels this way. Besides the negative aspects of Euphie becoming a spirit, Anis thinks that she would lose the only thing left, the fact she is a princess. She even states this fact to Tilty even if she offered her to leave the country and continue their work on Magicology. But, of course, by letting Euphie take it, she feels she has no value left. She revealed this fact when Euphie came to Tilty’s house, knowing where she was.

When Euphie comes to talk to her, Anis is still angry at her despite understanding how she feels. It’s no longer about Euphie taking the offer and not being human anymore. Instead, it’s over the fact that Euphie has magic and she doesn’t and that being Princess is the only thing she has left. Clearly, she doesn’t like that Euphie will deprive the only role she has left. That is despite nobles hating her guts for not having magic, receiving no respect, and being crazy.

Still, Euphie doesn’t believe this is true, as she worked hard to help and fight for the people in the kingdom, despite not being respected by anyone. She tells her not to worry about what everyone thinks about her. The system oppresses people without the magic that is the problem. Euphie still believes that Anis have value as she can work to change it.
Even after all that, Anis believes that Euphie helping her achieve her dream by sacrificing her humanity is not worth it. Still, I must admit this moment really pulled on my heartstrings as either path has drawbacks. I almost teared up for a moment. Also, Anis is downgrading her self-worth despite Euphie convincing her was emotional and pulled on the heartstrings. Still, I have to admit this scene was done well and left an impact.

In the end, Anis knows that Euphie isn’t going to back down on what she believes in. So with that, she decides to challenge her to a duel to see which ideals will win. Still, I can’t wait to see when the pairing becomes official. We’ll see it in the finale.
Reviews From Other Blogs
- The Magical Revolution Episode 11: Protect the Protector – The Yuri Empire
- MagiRevo, Episode 11: To Love or to Hate the World – Beneath the Tangles
Those conservative fogeys must be real hoots at parties. Special place in the dungeon or under a guillotine for them, yes.
Tough times for our heroines with some tough talk but hopefully through anime tradition they can let it all out and the season ends with a bang.
Tilty is friend of lesbian goals.
LaiLia are love and life.
Yep, those people are stuck in their old ways, but of course it will eventually catch up to them eventually. But still, I do hope a good ending for the two and Anis and Euphie recieving support along the way.
Also nice to see Laine and Ilia together.
Similar with the previous arcs, the last two episodes serve to prepare the stage for a big fight. But this time we will not have a epic dragon slaying or a death match between siblings.
Now it seems a Nanoha duel style, where the two girls will clash each other with all power, followed by a confession scene. Expecting a grand finale in this case.
And happy for Lainie’s career choice, cementing a side couple with Ilia mixing vampire x maid x age gap elements.