After Mitsuha saves a restaurant from being sabotaged by someone, everything seems to be going fine. That is until the horde of monsters, namely goblins, head somewhere shortly after Colette receives her letter. At some point, Mitsuha finally spills the beans about her abilities.
Given the horde of monsters, we knew this could mean one thing. Yes, it’s war since we are in a medieval isekai fantasy. Of course, we know the mercenaries will get involved as they feast on jackalopes. This mystical creature doesn’t exist but does in the other world. That is after Mitsuha contemplates selling fireworks in the other world.

Sure, the soldiers find the meat delicious after they grilled it. Of course, the person who trained Mitsuha wondered where she got the game. Yes, they are catching on to what Mitsuha can do, but she really reveals it shortly after what happens next.

Mitsuha eventually gets summoned to the castle and finds out another kingdom, the Alder Empire wants their furtle land. Yes, that empire even enlisted goblins as part of their forces. Yep, that explains everything. The king wants Mitsuha to bring Sabine to safety. However, Mitsuha intends to fight as her business depends on it. Then again, she can always bring Sabine to earth for safety. Surprisingly enough, the king and Chancellor

During the day of the war meeting, she noticed two suspicious guys entering the castle. So, of course, we see one of the older brothers from the Bozes family get knocked down. Yep, he didn’t learn his lesson last time. But the funny thing was when those knights appeared as the King and Chancellor gave their briefing, Mitsuha jumped in as the two knights came in and tried to assassinate the king and the Chancellor. Of course, that older brother from the Bozes family jumps in to protect Mitsuha. While he got two arrows in his body, not in the heart, thankfully, he still failed as one of the arrows landed in Mitsuha’s left shoulder. So, of course, she took out the big guns and killed the assassin.

Either way, her gig is up as she got caught bringing modern weaponry to the imaginary world. Of course, hoping to save the other brother from the Bozes family, she teleported him to earth so the mercenaries could treat him. But, of course, the owner of the mercenaries wondered what Mitsuha was doing.

Things get weirder when Mitsuha tries to hire his army to fight a war in the other world. Of course, he was reluctant until Mitsuha had a joy ride in the Humvee before transporting it and him to a different world. That is when he believes Mitsuha and decides to help her out.
They eventually head to the spot where the disturbance is happening. They ultimately go to the other side of the tunnel and find out there are wagons full of women and children. Also, some goblins attack one of the wagons and gate the horse. Yikes’

Thankfully, the mercenary owner and Mitsuha moved the boulder and got the evacuees to the other side of the tunnel. However, they found out that shooting the goblins was ineffective. It’s because they are zombies. Of course, the wagons can’t cross the river since it became flooded. Yep, they are in a challenging situation. Mitsuha will find a way to get the evacuees to safety while defeating the enemies that will attack the kingdom.