With Al taken out of the picture, Anis inherits the throne. But, of course, Euphie becomes worried as this would interfere with Anis’s ambitions to make Magicology a reality.

Given Al’s behavior that led him to be sacked by his parents, Anis is left holding a bag with the throne she doesn’t necessarily want. Still, she goes along with it despite the challenges that lie ahead. After all, she has to uphold the traditions of the kingdom and magicology, which starts to worry Euphie. This was especially the case when Anis said it didn’t concern her. Still, Anis seemed anxious as she went back to the workshop.
Not to mention, Lainie and Ilia makes a full recovery as well. Nice!

Euphie was okay with this as she had to support her as one of her subjects. However, two things cause her to change her mind. First, Tilty gets upset at Anis for continuing it instead of adopting another noble to take the throne. Still, Euphie is going along with what Anis is planning when Tilty believes Euphie is not being true to her feelings. Still, the way Tilty stormed out like that is shocking.

That night, Anis apologized to Euphie as she knew Tilty would get upset like that. Euphie seems worried as Anis changes the subject mentioning the weapon Euphie uses. Euphie stops her saying she has to wait until tomorrow and she will accompany her. Yep, Anis says that Euphie wants a date as she goes up to her.

Yep, we get a nice moment where they hold hands as they head to the Blacksmith with similar outfits. Of course, the Blacksmith eventually recognizes Anis and Euphie. He saw how good Euphie’s magic was when she held the weapon. Of course, outside, the townspeople notice Anis and want to spend time with her. Yes, the commoners look up to Anis. After all, she helps the adventurers out.

Meanwhile, Euphie hears what the Blacksmith thinks about Anis. She asks Euphie if the next ruler will be Anis, as he seems indifferent about Anis being a queen. Before he could say, Anis returned and didn’t tell her why. This causes Euphie to become more uneasy, as Iliya notices. Euphie asks if Anis would make a good queen, but Iliya doesn’t think it suits Anis. After all, she knows how free-spirited she is. If Anis were to become queen, she would become tied to the job and lose her freedom.

This really hits home when Ilia shows Euphie Anis’s workshop. Iliya tells Euphie that Anis might have to give up on Magicology if she wants to be accepted by the nobles especially. As expected, this really upsets Euphie as Magicology means everything to Anis. Iliya hits the question home if Anis would happily smile if she became queen while having to give up Magicology. After realizing this, Euphie started to cry. After all, Euphie finds a new purpose in achieving Anis’s Magicology dream.

Euphie realizes that Anis becoming queen might mean abandoning her dream. She realizes this is not something Anis wants and believes she can’t solve her problems. Tilty becomes blunt as it’s actually Euphie’s problems, precisely her feelings. Euphie finally admits that she doesn’t want Anis to become queen. Still, it seems that Tilty supports Euphie’s decision as she wants to do what makes Anis happy, even if it goes against her duty.
Eventually, Euphie tells her father what she wants to do and admits she is in love with her. Yep, the love between Anis and Euphie is mutual now. Of course, her father tells about Ophanse having to abandon his dream of spending time gardening. When a crisis arose, he had to leave his dreams and become king.

While Euphie’s father supported him, there was another option that he didn’t consider. Yes, the spirits, as Lumi, a spirit contractor, were there. It would allow someone to make a spirit contract and become part of the royal family. This means Euphie can take over Anis’s position and become queen.
However, Lumi tells Euphie that this comes with risks, as her father advises against it. That is when Lumi mentions that he declined. So Lumi came to stop Euphie from even considering it. But will she stop her, and what will Anis think if Euphie tries to stop her. Still, will Euphie be willing to take the change, even if it’s wrong? That is even after Lumi tells her the story to convince her otherwise. We’ll see next time what path Euphie decides or if Anis finds out stops her.
Reviews from Other Bloggers
- The Magical Revolution Episode 10: Throne Groan – The Yuri Empire
- MagiRevo, Episodes 9-10: The Fallout of a Falling Out – Beneath the Tangles
Now we have a setup for Euphie’s journey to protect Anis’s dream, even if it is against her beloved’s plans. Ilia and Tilty made very well their support role in the show, pointing the hints to make Euphie realize her own feelings.
The next step is the presentation of Lumi’s story before the conflict between our protagonists (followed by love confessions, hopefully)
It’s not too surprising to see Illia and Tilty knows how Euphie feel. It’s very evident that Anis never really wanted to be queen, which might explain why she is willing to give it up, until she is stuck with it.
Still, I wonder about Lumi’s story and if this is the way for Euphie to do it to make her beloved happy. Should be interesting how this plays out.
Hard times for our lovable princess. It was tough to watch.
Thanks to Ilia and Tilty Euphie embraced her true feelings but her greatest challenge is up ahead. Very interested in what Lumi has to say.
Sexy Goths rule by the way.
Yes, it’s sad to see Anis this way, and it’s all thanks to her boneheaded little brother.
It’s good that Ilia and Tilty recognize how Euphie feels, which allows her to to become true with her feelings. It should be interesting what Lumi says and if Euphie takes up the offer. But at least Lumi has a lily in her hair, which probably mean something.