After going on an adventure, Mitsuha returned to her shop, and a high-class blonde-haired girl bought many items. But you might be wondering, who is she?
Thanks to those three girls, Mitsuha is selling a lot of bottles of shampoo. However, she hasn’t figured out what other things to sell. That is until a cute, princess blonde hair girl visited her shop. Believe it or not, she is the girl from the poster image that hasn’t received an appearance yet.

Either way, she is interested in the goods sold in her shop and points out the lack of a store sign. This can explain why Mitsuha hasn’t been getting many customers since her shop looks like a generic storefront. Yep, it seems that Mitsuha forgot about that, which can explain why only customers who receive word-of-mouth visit.

As expected, the girl bought many items, including many bottles of shampoo, stuffed animals and such. She gave three gold for that stuff, although Mitsuha wondered where her guards were. That is when she saw shady-looking men and decided to follow them.

Indeed, Mitsuha realizes the girl is at risk as the man abducts the guy. Mitsuha caught up on the act and wondered what was up with her. Yep, she stuns one of the guys with a stun gun. The guys get scared, especially when Mitsuha takes the gun and shoots to scare them. Before declaring herself a “messenger of lightning,” the perps don’t know what she is talking about. When they tried to run away, the knights apprehended them. That is when Mitsuha finds out that the blonde-haired girl is a princess.

As Mitsuha walks away, one of the princesses’ guards invites her to the palace. As expected, the king can thank her for rescuing the princess. I find it funny how the king and Mitsuha struggle over her identity. As expected, after finding out about Mitsuha’s general stores, they seem interested in her wares and mention their eyesight problems. However, when Mitsuha whipped out a selection of glasses, they became impressed by their vision while wearing them.

As expected, Mitsuha told them what happened when a bunch of perps tried to kidnap the princess. So, she came in to rescue her. Eventually, the princess told Mitsuha that her name was Sabine. She also has a little brother named Rouven. Either way, Sabine becomes smitten with Mitsuha for rescuing her. Wait, so Mitsuha is building a harem now, with Collette being the first and then Sabine? Not too surprising since Mitsuha rescued them after all.

In the second half, Mitsuha is receiving a lot of customers lately. Then, Sabine visits her shop and wonders about the remote thing. That is after a shady guy from the Alder Trading Company wants to buy Mitsuha’s shop for free.

Of course, Mitsuha isn’t going to do that, so they devise a deception. But, unfortunately, that fat guy from the Alder Trading Company looks like he is doing something shady. Yep, he wanted to take custody of the princess and Mitsuha.

Knowing that Mitsuha can outsmart the guy, the Chancellor catches him and revokes the Alder’s privileges to meet the king. Also, he lost the business from the kingdom as they decided to do business with Mitsuha instead. This explains the letter Mitsuha gave Sabine so the Chancellor would know about it and bust his operation. Funny how in the aftermath, all his workers drank poison. That way, they don’t have to confess to the human trafficking and shady business practices of the Alder Trading Company.

Aside from that, there are cute moments with Mitsuha and Sabine. Sabine discovers the DVD player and now wants to watch shows. Mitsuha describes the DVD player as a “mirror that shows far-away events.” It’s funny to see Mitsuha reenact what the characters are saying, and Sabine is really enjoying it. Still, nice to see Mitsuha’s harem grow a little, although isn’t she forgetting about Colette?

Reviews from Other Bloggers
- Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World – 08 – The Messenger of Lightning – RABUJOI – An Anime Blog
It seems that Mitsuha is following the steps of a certain Bear Girl to form her “Little Sister Harem” (or the other way around, depending which light novel came first).
Actually, it starting to give me some similarities given that Mitsuha saved one of them and the princess came to her, which she also rescue, but Sabine is probably a little bit more older than Noire.