After a group of mercenaries come and apprehend a wanted criminal that stole Mitsuha’s knife, she now has an idea. She wants to go on an adventure to gather some materials.
After the mercenaries apprehend the guy who stole Mitsuha’s knife, they look around the shop, looking at the goods Mitsuha had for sale. The two guys came back after taking a good amount of bad guys. Of course, Mitsuha isn’t worried since she brought modern technology to protect the place. But, of course, she has weapons as well.

The party members finally introduced themselves, with Sven leading the group. His members are Sepp, Grit, and Ilse. Mitsuha gives them a mission to help protect Mitsuha as she goes out to gather some materials. Of course, she went back to the real world to pick up camping supplies and weapons. She also borrowed a crossbow that her brother left behind. I wonder how having those weapons are legal?

After preparing, the mercenary party eventually met Mitsuha at the gate. They were surprised by how Mitsuha dressed, as she had been wearing a frilly dress. She was wearing military tactical gear, and she was equipped with a gun. They eventually set up camp, and while the mercenary party is set up as if they are going to sleep outside, Mitsuha whips out an instant tent. That is after she helped Grit with gathering ingredients.

I have to admit, the way Mitsuha whips out modern camping conveniences such as canned foods and takes out a lighter makes it feels like she is marketing her wares. But, unfortunately, adventurers don’t have as much money as the nobles, who have a lot to spend. Thankfully, Mitsuha promises to make her products affordable for adventurers and make up the difference elsewhere.

As expected, Mitsuha wanted to take a bath. In short, she undressed into her swimwear, which of course, shocked the adventurers. Yep, even a swimsuit in their eyes is too lewd as Grit and Ilse block the view of Mitsuha from the guys. So Mitsuha had to explain herself, which they allowed her to bathe. Yep, she made a big miscalculation with hilarious results. Even after trying to convince them by showing a magazine filled with girls wearing swimsuits, they are still a bit mixed. The country views swimsuits as taboo.

While in the forest, Ilse has trouble taking down a bird with a bow and arrow, and Mitsuha quickly takes one down with a crossbow. Yep, the military instructor.

After finishing their hunting session, Mitsuha needs to go to pee. She goes somewhere secret, but a boar finds her and chases after her. This is the first time she has used her gun, which isn’t practical. However, it collapses right before Mitsuha thinks she is a goner. She tries to fake the hunting of the boat by sticking two arrows. Her party members seem very unconvinced, which is pretty funny.

Mitsuha thought about selling the art after showing her party members that magazine. She tried making statues with her magical powers. However, she ends up creating sculptures that look atheistically unpleasing. Thankfully, she finds some guy who is willing to buy them.

As for Colette, she finally makes a doll of Mitsuha. It’s evident that she really misses Mitsuha, and I wonder, when will she reunite with her? Also, there are that long hair blonde hair girl that they haven’t introduced yet. I suppose she will appear soon.
I haven’t picked this one up yet but it seems to be a running gag for our heroine to not visit her soul mate much.
Not too surprising, but it’s getting a bit sad as Mitsuha is so busy on hustling and making a lot of money. 😂