You might be wondering how Towa’s last move with Erika turned out. She made it as Michi took the helm in the previous round with Shiraishi.

Before we saw Towa’s final move, we saw a final flashback. Erika seems supportive, and we see her getting better at the sport. However, her teammates didn’t like how Towa received special treatment. So, of course, she became scared and hid behind Erika when that happened. However, she also became happy with Erika when she took down someone during practice.

In short, Towa managed to do an ippon with Erika and won the match. Thankfully, Towa and Erika finally make up in a nice moment. Now, it’s Michi’s turn, and she faces off against Shiraishi. While Shiraishi is formidable, Michi seems serious about the match. Sure, she had a bunch of close calls, but surprisingly, she is not screaming random stuff. We also see Nagumo cheering for her, but it’s obvious she is getting lonely.

While Michi almost won, she screwed up her chance of getting an ippon by not being careful of her surroundings and going out of bounds. She also screwed up at the end, allowing her opponents to score an ippon on her. While frustrating, it goes into that cliché of the protagonist team not winning the first round. At least they showed good sportsmanship when they saw them as they headed home.

Of course, we see Michi address the Kasumigaoka Judo team on a first-name basis. Seno’s name is actually Midoriko, and she didn’t like how Michi was using it. It must be because Michi ate her parfait that time. Either way, Erika is happy that Towa went to Aoba West, mostly because she made friends there. Still, we see Nagumo stare at Michi, Sanae, and Towa sleeping.

While the dread of midterms comes and Michi gets frustrated over studying, it’s evident that Nagumo feels left out. Her attempts to get Michi to join the Kendo club failed many times. Even during dinner, her parents are proud of their daughter’s performance at Kendo. However, Nagumo doesn’t seem to share the same feeling. Instead, she wants to go to the amusement park with her friends.
Her intention to quit Kendo becomes very apparent when she looks at a photo of her with Michi during middle school. When she came to where she usually practices, she saw Michi practicing. Sure, Michi makes fun of Nagumo by saying how stinky her bracer is as she practices with her wooden sword.

While Michi climbs the rope while sharing her goals, Nagumo can’t handle being alone anymore. Nagumo finally asks Michi what she thinks about her quitting Kendo. I guess there were hints of this as she felt increasingly left out with her failed attempts to recruit Michi. On the other hand, she might be interested in doing Kendo to spend more time with Michi. Either way, we’ll find out how it turns out next time.
Excellent conclusion to Towa vs Erika! Michi vs Ami was also exciting. Hopefully Michi gets that big win soon. Most likely after the other two girls join her harem.
I love Nagumo so much. She’s precious.
Yes, it’s nice to see the conclusion of Towa’s and Erika’s match, but it was obvious that Towa is going to win, but seeing Michi lose is frustrating, but hopefully she will get a win soon.
I agree, Nagumo is a fun character, but hopefully she makes the right choice what she wants to do.