Mitsuha takes on a job to help with the food and entertainment at Adelide’s debutante ball. As they say, first impressions mean everything, but can Mitsuha pull it off?
After Marcel came in to request Mitsuha’s services after buying a basket of items, she accepted the offer. The noble family of Viscount Reiner. Given that Mitsuha has no margin of error, she serves the food from her world. It includes sushi, tempura, fried chicken, and other dishes.

Apparently, they liked the food and wondered how to learn to make these dishes. Obviously, Mitsuha has the recipe books to make the dishes. So she offers to teach them how to cook the dishes. She also tells them not to worry about how the food is transported as she will handle everything. Then, of course, the wife of the Reiners asks about the shampoo and body wash. Yep, Mitsuha upsold her to the “noble” version of the product so she could make more money. You have to admit that Mitsuha is a good saleswoman.

Aside from that, she upgraded the kitchen equipment somehow at the Reiners and helped teach the cooks how to make the dishes. Either way, she seems fired up as she gets called coach. At least she is much nicer to the other cooks than Gordon Ramsay. Finally, Adelide comes by, meaning it’s time for Mitsuha to measure her client’s body.

Believe it or not, she walked Adelide to the room when they got to the shop. Apparently, teleportation powers between worlds work with humans from the other world to earth works. So, Mitsuha blindfolds Adelide before taking them off after they get to a different world. Yep, the seamstress seems happy to measure Adelide’s body and work with Mitsuha to create various outfits. But, of course, Adelide seems serious about making her ball a success. That is while Mitsuha works with the maids on the show and outfit changes. She also gathers props and works with the cooks.

Eventually, the day of the event finally arrived. While the guests seemed to have low expectations, Mitsuha amazed them with Adelide’s outfits showing the ideal versions of herself. Of course, Mitsuha relies on technology and uses dry ice to create fog. Yep, Adelide’s got a lot of positive reactions from the audience because of the stunning outfits she has on.

As for the food, the guests really enjoy the food so much that all the people eat it. The cooks panicked as this could be a bad thing. It can give the idea that the Reiners don’t have money. Yep, Mitsuha instructs them to take out the desserts, and she works with the cooks to make French fries. Either way, she pulled it off without a hitch. Of course, it was funny to see Iris gets upset at Mitsuha for not visiting them. They seemed worried but didn’t realize Mitsuha was working on something else.

Either way, the ball was a huge success. We see this from Adelide smiling at Mitsuha for the first time. Still, it’s pretty amazing how Mitsuha’s plan to make money is finally coming to fruition. Can she continue her success selling her wares and cuisine in the other world? Will she open a restaurant next? We’ll see next time.