Now that Anis wants to face off against the dragon, Euphie decides to tag along to slay the dragon. But, you might wonder, did Anis manage to pull it off?
Last time, Anis wanted to slay the dragon since it had the magical material she was looking for. She came crazy prepared, as there was a flashback. When Euphie agreed to tag along, she asked Anis why she needed the dragon’s magicite. Apparently, she needs it to use magic close to the real thing. Yes, it sounds precarious as Euphie becomes worried when Anis says it’s safe. Yep, Anis is so determined to get what she wants no matter what.
Throughout the whole situation, Euphie seems worried. Sure, Anis came in with a nice save as a horde of monsters came before the dragon. However, Anis insists that Euphie stays behind and fights the hordes of monsters as she faces off against the dragon since she is more skilled in aerial battles.

What worries Euphie more is when Anis takes out a bottle of magic enhancers, basically pills that contain crushed magicite. Yes, it sounds like the medicine Sion made for Momo gave for a temporary power boost. Even so, it’s understandable why Euphie is worried since it’s the same stuff Anis wants that can potentially turn her into a monster.

Either way, Euphie ends up tagging along and taking out the entire horde with her fire magic. That is while Anis basks in awe of Euphie’s magic. This leaves the dragon, which Anis finds out the hard way that it’s not that easy to break even with her powerful magical blade that can cut through anything. Eventually, the dragon attacked her, and she tried to defend herself with a magic shield, but it broke, and she got blown back. Thankfully, Euphie saved her in time.

You might be wondering why Euphie is against Anis for doing something risky. When Anis reached for the bottle of pills, Euphioe frisked it away. It becomes apparent that she doesn’t want Anis to do something that risky again, as she doesn’t want to lose her. Yep, it’s because Anis means a lot to Euphie now, as she is the thing that allows her to find a new purpose. Still, Anis wants to take the dragon down. If she doesn’t, not only it will take happiness away from everyone, she can’t call herself a magician anymore.
Euphie knows Anis’s determination to get the thing she wants the most. She wants to return the favor from last time. In an emotional moment, she wants to at least tag along with her so she can help her achieve the goal together. If they fail, they will go down together. Thankfully, they pull it off by cracking the magical barriers by taking off one of its wings. Euphie used her magic to help Anis cut off the dragon’s wing. When it’s down, it attempts to make an attack.

Anis attempt fate by using her magical blade to cut the dragon’s attack. While it looked impossible, Euphie supported her, and they pulled it off. The dragon apparently talked to Anis before granting its magical powers saying it’s a “curse” and leaving its materials behind. Yep, too bad for Algard. It looks like his opportunity to slay the dragon escaped from him. Sadly, the mana blade can cut through anything broke, but it’s worth it.

The cherry on top of the strawberry sundae is the victory celebration Anis had after defeating the dragon. Anis couldn’t handle the atmosphere when Euphie came out. Yep, she wanted to dance with Anis as she finds dancing with men oppressive for apparent reasons. So what best way to end the episode is to see them dance under the night sky.

Either way, Euphie shares how much she appreciates Anis taking her in and giving her a new opportunity. If it wasn’t for Anis, Euphie would become worse off. While Euphie knows that Anis will continue to do risky things, she is totally on board. After all, she now sees Anis as precious to her that she can’t let out of her sight. Yep, the Anis and Euphie pairing is official, as the love is no longer one-sided. It’s all thanks to Anis’s working her magic on her in the last 4 episodes.
Reviews from Other Bloggers
- The Magical Revolution Episode 5: Vs The OG – The Yuri Empire
- Tenten Kakumei – 05 – A Dragon and a Dance – RABUJOI – An Anime Blog
- MagiRevo Episodes 4-5: On Dragons, Muggles, and Relationships – Beneath the Tangles
Dunno how many times I can restate the obvious, as in this show is excellent and our main couple are fantastic. They have me in the palm of their hands.
Also THIS IS HOW YOU DO ISEKAI FIGHTS! It’s not hard. Otherside Picnic and Executioner got it right too.
Agreed, it’s nice to see Euphie return the favor to Anis and making the love reciprocal at long last, especially with that dance scene at the end of the episode. The battle didn’t disappoint at all.
A great contender for best episode of the season. A packed episode with epic dragon slaying, amazing action scenes and a romantic dance under a starry night.
All the character construction in last four episode was worth to prepare us for the moment Euphie finally rises in spotlight together wiht her beloved Princess Anis.
And the curse element can be an indication for the return of Tilty, Anis’s partner in crime.
I have a feeling that with each episode, it gets better, but I do wonder if there is an episode that can top this one off. The action and the dance was nice for sure. But yes, it should be interesting to see Tilty back, although there was a hint of her in the first episode. Still wonder what the curse is really about.