Mitsuha finally arrives in the royal capital to open up a general store. How well does she do on the first few days of opening?
After playing some deception with the Bozes, she received their blessing. Then, she arrived at the capital city to start a general store. Yep, the whole idea of her shop is to sell things from dollar stores and grocery stores and sell them in the other world for more money.

As expected, Mitsuha went back and forth from the real world to the imaginary world. Yes, to get stock and some equipment. After she opens the store, we get a glimpse of solar panels from which she is getting power and a digital clock. Yes, she wore a dress that looked like a maid outfit and passed out fliers printed on paper. People actually wondered what kind of material was used to print the fliers. Yep, people haven’t discovered the printing press or paper.

While opening the shop, Mitsuha’s initial motivation when down as nobody went into her shop. That is until a few peasant girls went into the shop a few days later. Mitsuha seems excited. However, they seem perplexed by a fish scaler since eating fish is outlandish. Also, it’s funny to see the girls explore the other items, but they didn’t catch the girls’ attention until one of the girls saw the elixir for hair.

Yep, Mitsuha tried to sell it for 8 silver, but they wanted to eat. She became so desperate that she offered them a sample, some food, a jar of candy to share, and some accessories. The girls took it, and one girl seems suspicious about the items since they are too good that she thinks Mitsuha is a witch.

Also, the girls seem to like the food that Mitsuha prepared just with hot water. She also served fish from those packaged foods, a foreign concept for the girls. Finally, Mitsuha tested the shampoo and body wash on one of the girls. Of course, she used a lot of shampoos since the girl’s hair was filthy.

Eventually, their employer finds out the jar Mitsuha gave has caught the cook’s attention and, ultimately, the nobles there. Yep, the count’s wife wants to pay the girls to use the shampoo and body wash. Also, we see the cook visit to buy a bunch of girls. Finally, Mitsuha explained what the tools do.

It seems that the cook’s name is Marcel. He wants Mitsuha to serve fish at Adelide’s debutante ball, which means everything to her. This is not surprising as he doesn’t seem confident in his cooking skills. Yep, Mitsuha looks very confident that she can do this. But, then again, is she forgetting about someone? We quickly see Colette’s chopping logs, which are quite funny and cute. I wonder when they will meet up with each other again.
Other Reviews from Bloggers
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- Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement – AngryAnimeBitches Anime Blog