After the incident where Michi takes down Hiura, it’s decided that Michi will join to help revive the club. Still, what was the reason why Hiura went to the same school as Michi?
In the beginning, we see flashbacks of Michi asking her childhood friend to join the Judo club. Apparently, with the club revived, Sanae wants her parents to sign the permission form. However, her parents are concerned about her grades since her entrance exam score and worry about their daughter’s facture during middle school.

They are acting like typical Asian American parents who want their children to focus on getting good grades and do specific activities. This is while Sanae spaces out. The funny thing is that she had to lie about forgetting the permission from at home. Michi seems very surprised, given how studious Sanae is, and she really looks forward to practice. As always, we have Anna pushing Michi to join the Kendo club just because.

We have Hiura trying to talk with Michi. You might wonder why. As expected, she is surprisingly introverted and has social anxieties, although she can overcome them. We see instances of this being unable to talk to Michi. She even fails to get a bun through that lunchroom battlefield. It’s all because she dropped her wallet and is too shy to pick it up. Thankfully, the lunch lady gives her a consolation prize, a big an-pan, which she ends up giving to Michi, and she ends up eating it.

Of course, Hiura still needs an extra push to tell Michi something. Hiura ends up putting on her judogi, so she gains the courage to say what she wants. She came to the same school as Michi because of what happened during the tournament. Yes, that viral video of Michi passing out for not giving up caused her to have that face.

There is no wonder why Hiura was following her, but at least she has the initiative. She also went to do Judo with Michi and Sanae after realizing how much fun Michi had despite wanting to quit. Thankfully, Michi reassured her not to worry about that video. She treated her to Jomon deluxe chocolate cornet. You wonder how they do it. Putting on the Judo uniforms, of course.

At least it’s nice to see the club revived as Sanae’s parents finally gave in as long she received good grades. Also, it’s funny to see Sanae and Michi get over a match over if the club is “revived” or “renewed.” Sanae ends up winning. Also, it’s nice to see a flashback to when Sanae got her first win, which is also enjoyable.
Also, another good thing is that Michi didn’t bring up the boyfriend thing. Just a small detail to mention.
The show is much easier to enjoy with the boy craving toned down or removed. It’ll sadly still be there I know. Just keep it as irrelevant as possible going forward. Everything else is pretty good so far.
As mentioned on my blog Nagumo is my current favorite.
Yes, I don’t know why they need to mention that when it’s girls focusing on Judo. Seriously, not every anime needs to focus on girls wanting a boyfriend. There are plenty of other anime that focuses on that.
But yes, Nagumo is a fun character as she keeps pushing Michi to give up Judo do Kendo.