After Mitsuha finally realizes the new powers granted to her, she decides to go on a quest to become wealthy. First, however, she must find a way to protect herself and Colette. That is while she tries to become rich from her journeys to the other world.
After Colette saves Mitsuha after Mitsuha defeats a wolf that tried to attack Colette, she finally discovers her newly granted powers. Besides surveying the village, she discovers the lord owns the town’s land.

With that, Colette wants to go and meet the person after making some observations. Yep, she discovers the world she is in in the middle ages. That can explain why the townspeople have no sense of time besides the times of the day. Also, the villagers believe that Mitsuha is a child, given how young she looks, despite being an adult. It’s not surprising that modern technology allows people to age slower because of technological advancements and medical breakthroughs.

When Mitsuha makes an excuse by saying she needs to go back and meet her friends. When Colette finds out, she really doesn’t want her to leave. It’s not too surprising since Mitsuha saved her after all. Thankfully, Mitsuha promises she will eventually return and tells her not to cry. Either way, I feel that the Mitsuha and Colette pairing has potential, especially given how strong a hug Colette gives Mitsuha that she ends up passing out.

The following day, Colette and her parents see Mitsuha off as she takes the carriage to the capital. However, she tells the carriage man to stop in the middle of the road after realizing how stinky she is. Not to mention, she wanted to test her world-jumping powers. Apparently, it worked as she teleported to her bedroom and stood on the bed.
Of course, it’s impressive how Mitsuha spends time learning the other world’s period. From this and finding out the threats, she finds a place to teach her self-defense. After getting all the information, she puts her auto-translation skills to the test, and it works in the real world.

The funny thing is that she takes out a bunch of cash and pays a mercenary group in New Zealand to train her. Apparently, her world teleporting skills work in the real world as she knows where she wants to go. Also, they apparently accept the gold coin from the other world because it’s made from actual gold. It’s cool that they show the exchange rates on the gold coin. Yep, it’s going to plan. After all, she has to protect herself and those who matter to her, especially Colette.

After Mitsuha managed to use the various types of guns properly and safely, it was time to get there. Of course, how teleporting works between both worlds is like a video game. When she took the scooter to the other world, she returned to where she used her teleportation skills. It’s like how it works in video games when you save and reload where you left off. When a party detects her, she teleports back. I find it funny she was on the bed with the scooter.

In the end, she finally makes it to the capital. Yep, she spends a bunch of money on her wardrobe so she can dress for success. But will her plan be a success next time? We must wait and see.
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