With Kessoku Band finally having its first successful performance, school is still out for summer vacation. However, Hitori didn’t do anything since their performance but sat at home all day. Will her friends take her somewhere to create summer memories before summer break is over?
Since Kessoku Band’s first performance, the girls have been doing their own things. Hitori is still very introverted, so she doesn’t bother asking her friends to do anything. Yep, that sums up my summer breaks in grade school and college. I sit at home playing video games or in front of the computer.

Still, I find it funny how Hitori spends time watching documentaries on black holes to try to teach her little sister to play guitar. On some days, she stays in bed all day. It’s because she doesn’t dare to invite her friends to go somewhere during summer break. Sadly, she can’t bring herself to do it, and everyone seems to be doing their own thing. Even Futari didn’t spend her summer vacation with Hitori, as she has friends to hang out with.

On the last day of summer break, Ryou, Nijikan and Ikuyo notice that Hitori is acting very strangely. She seems to be spending time burying cicadas in front of the live house, which is quite funny and sad. She is out of it just because she didn’t dare to ask her friends to go places during summer vacation. Not to mention, she hates the dread of returning to school. If Hitori hoped that something like Endless Eight was real, she would never have to go to school again until she did her homework.

Ikuyo, Nijika, and Ryou know that Hitori wanted to hang out, so they dragged her to Enoshima. Yes, they take her to a beach to create some summer memories. A beach episode, finally? Not so fast as Hitori literally pops like a balloon after a guy wearing a swimsuit tries to invite Hitori and her friends to a beach house. Yep, he was a party person. In other words, no swimsuit episode. I highly doubt Hitori would have the courage to wear one. I guess there is only a fanart for those.

With that, the girls went to eat some fried Takosenbei. Ikuyo even takes a picture holding them too. After that, they climb the stairs to get to the observation tower. I find it funny how Nijika and Ryou feel exhausted after climbing the first set of stairs. Then, of course, we see Hitori struggle and manage to just get up the stairs as if she is climbing. Ikuyo wanted to walk the stairs, but the others didn’t want to despite her extroverted aura.

Ikuyo wanted to take the stairs, but Ryou intended to take the escalator. While Ryou wanted the ticket lady to pay for the tickets in bass guitars, Hitori ended up paying for her ticket. Ryou is becoming a deadbeat as she still hasn’t paid Hitori back for that meal. Njika even threatens to garnish Ryou’s paycheck if she doesn’t pay Hitori back.

At least they got a nice view and enjoyed the air conditioning. Ikuyo seems disappointed as the others want to leave instead of looking at the scenery. Not too surprising since Hitori, Ryou, and Nijika are indoor people. Not to mention, they ate soft serve after, and Ryou made Hitori pay. To make matters worse, a bunch of birds stole Hitori’s ice cream and attacked her. It’s because the birds think she looks weak. Before they left, they went to a shrine. Of course, Hitori made a wish that summer break would never end. Sadly, it looks like it ended.

Thankfully, Hitori had a lot of fun during the outing. At least she made summer memories with her friends that she was yearning for. But, of course, she didn’t want to go back to school when she had to. That is despite stating a promise to Ikuyo that she can face school starting tomorrow. So, I guess we aren’t there yet for Hitori. Of course, a flyer says they want stage performers for Shuka Festival. Will Kessoku Band take up the offer? We’ll see next time.
Not much to really delve into this episode. It’s the vintage BTR goodness we’ve come to love since the premiere.
Excited for what’s most likely the last arc of the season with the upcoming school festival thing.
Sure, there is disappointment that there is no swimsuits, but they still deliver on the girls having fun. Maybe next time when Hitori has less social anxiety.
The cultural festival thing will be interesting and wonder how it will turn out with probably a new song.
A more laid back episode to make a rest from the last week events and to prepare to the next (maybe last) arc of the show: the culture festival. Even so, it is always fun to watch more Bocchi madness and how she use her loneliness time to improve her talent as guitarist (much more productive than how I use mine).
A laid back episode is nice, but of course the cultural festival is going to be interesting at the very least. It should be interesting to see how Hitori will play out as her goal of performing at the cultural festival in a band from the first episode.