Ranko had a run-in with her former co-worker with whom she made a sisterhood pact. Uzuko, who is known now as Nagi last time. Now, Oinky Doink has had enough of being at the bottom. The best chance to cause a piggy revolution is to win a certain competition rigged or was.
Last time, Nagi said something interesting to Ranko. She said to look after her group and stop with the “moe moe kyun” stuff. Of course, we kind of see this happen as we see an introduction of a tradition done by maid cafes in Akiba. Yes, it’s a tradition created by Japan’s first maid, Omoe, surprisingly voiced by the queen of tsundere. Yes, there were maid cafes in the Meiji period, which is funny. There is a contest of maids climbing on top of a statue of her in her honor.

With that, it seems that Creatureland is the sole organizer of the Akiba Maid Festival. Not too surprising since they kind of eliminated their competition. Of course, that debt collector handed the Manager, whose name is actually Yaegashi Yasuko, which got revealed in the 6th episode.

Apparently, the debt collector threatened her that if she didn’t follow the rules, Creatureland would be cutting them off. The funny thing is that she didn’t read them and left them in the boxes that got thrown away. So it’s not like she is going to read them anyway. I like how the elevator door closed on the debt collector before Yasuko could hear what he was saying. It shows what is to come.

When she realized it and tried to tell the girls about them, she couldn’t find it. I find it funny how she goes fishing and even talks to a fish. The fish were talking about how Yasuko’s life suck and she can’t do anything right, along with the girls not needing them, was the funniest part of the episode. This is comedy gold, besides the Omoe statue climbing competition.

Of course, Oinky Doink gets the worse placement as they are near the outhouse. Obviously, they aren’t even on the map. While they sold a couple of roasted pig feet to their usual customers, Nagomi wanted to sell them to other customers. So she walked around and promoted the stuff, only to get the other maids angry and beat her up.

Oinky Doink is at the bottom of the caste system, and the other maids tell them to know their place. They even went on their knees and apologized. Also, I find it suspicious how when the trenchcoat guy buys pig feet, the panda seems kind of drooped. It looks as if nobody is wearing it. Is that guy a detective or doing a secret operation with Yasuko? After all, the panda is shrouded in mystery.

From this, it seems Oinky Doink has had enough of being at the bottom. We know that the lion maids are favored to win. However, Oinky Doin had enough of playing by the rules. They break through by cutting the line and beating up some maids. Yes, the lion head maid caused Nagomi to almost lose as she didn’t fight. Ranko came in and saved her. She, of course, brings herself down with the lion maid so Nagomi can bring in the win, which she does.

Of course, Nagomi wins, which becomes evident by the catch Yasuko made. It looked like she had caught Nagomi, but it was a fish. Still, it’s funny to see Oinky Doink win as they jump on top, and Nagi is furious. After all, Ranko is kind of doing what Nagi/Uzuko said, looking after her own group. She didn’t say what group, so it’s fair game. Either way, it’s like Animal Farm, as the pigs win the top position after winning the fight.

While it’s nice to see Oinky Doink prove their worth and cause a revolution, Nagi is angry. She basically executed the debt collector for failing his job so many times. Still, we all know that Oinky Doink will pull through since they have the A-Team. This eventually leads to a confrontation with Nagi as her position is now threatened. I expect her to become more aggressive, like a cornered dog. We’ll probably learn more about her and the back story behind that panda. That mystery needs to get solved for good.
Best of luck to our heroines surviving the wrath of Nagi after they unknowingly interfered with her plans for total domination.
Not too surprising since they can’t let the pig maids threaten her rule, but it will be funny if Ranko faces her former coworker, Nagi again in an actual confrontation when the time comes.