It seems that the former leader of Maidalien, Ukaki has a score to settle with Oinky Doink Café. What way to do it is through a baseball game. But, of course, things eventually get violent, which Nagomi detests.
Last time, Ukaki and her maids killed Minami after she took back control of Maidalien as they merged with Creatureland. Sadly, it seems things didn’t turn out as they had hoped. In other words, their new café with a new animal theme is an Axolotl, an endangered reptile creature. Quite fitting, given Maidalien’s fate.

While the manager read her apology during Minami’s funeral, the former Maidalien maids got angry. So, of course, the leader of Creatureland suggests they resolve their differences through a baseball game. It’s kind of tough for Oinky Doink Café since they only have five members that can play besides the panda. Yep, the manager pulled three foreigners from Venezuela out of all places. I don’t think they are known for baseball, as it shows since they couldn’t bat a ball. The only thing they can do well is dance.

As for the game itself, Oinky Doink Café is holding up well, with the match going normally. However, it seems that Ukaki seems unsatisfied with how the game is going, that she tells her members to play dirty. It happens when one of her players accidentally hits the bat on Nagomi’s helmet, thus almost starting a brawl. But, of course, against Nagomi’s wishes as she wanted them to play a fair game to uphold Nerula’s ideals.

While Maidalien managed to get ahead, Oinky Doink managed to get back in the game with a tie. With Zoya splitting a nail, Ranko starts to do the pitching. Ukaki gets upset and decides to bat after her players strike out. When she bats, she gets a strike and attempts to attack Ranko with a bat. Thankfully, Ranko detected it as Zoya kicked her down.

It almost devolves into a fight until a mascot of Axoloti backstabs Ukaki. Of course, the person in the costume was Miyabi, who escorted Minami last time. She avenges Minami’s death, which Ukaki did, along with a few other maids. Of course, one of the former Maidalien maids killed Miyabi in revenge. Sure, they say they are still alive to finish the game, which Maidalien lost. At least it went how Nagomi had imagined, mostly.

While washing her arms, Ranko ran into Uzuko, the maid she formerly made a sisterhood pact with. Uzuko mentions that Ranko aged. Yep, Uzuko is the Creatureland head maid known as Nagi now. Nagi told Ranko should stop with the “moe moe kyun” stuff and fight for the sake of the group. She also told Ranko that she could get into her position if she had taken up the gun earlier.

Either way, it’s apparent that it’s Nagi’s plan to eliminate Ukaki, and it seems that the job was done for her already. Still, she is not sure that her work is complete. Still, we don’t know her motives behind this completely yet. But, at least Oinky Doink Café is back to its former state before Minami, and her gang staged an attack on the place.