How did things turn out with the DIY club finally finishing making the items they intended to sell? Is it enough for them to start building their secret hideout? These questions are finally answered in this episode.

It seems that the girls have fun making stuff that they made stuff for each other. Juliet and Kokoro made some stuff. Juliet hid the fact that Miku made some even though she said DIY is moldy and obsolete. Of course, Kokoro sneaks into the 3D printer room at her school to make stuff. As for Takumi, she made matching aprons, which remind Rei of Himawari no Shoujo. Yep, that moment with Rei and Takumi is nice. I think they can make a good pairing.

As for the overall sales, they have been great. The old ladies seem to like the stuff the girls made, except for Serufu. Unfortunately, only her items are still in stock. It’s not surprising, given the low quality. The only hope they can sell is to give it a price cut. Still, Serufu is a little disappointed despite taking Takumi’s comfort.

With that, the girls need to create a blueprint of what they want for their secret hideout. As expected, Serufu came up with a blueprint after taking ideas. Yep, it’s like the drawing from last time, while looking impressive, is unrealistic to build. In short, they have to narrow down the good things.

Of course, Juliet had so much fun that she volunteered for the blueprint while not knowing how to use CAD software. She tells Miku that she took the job since it reminded her of the good old times when she built a tree house with her mother. Thankfully, Miku helped Juliet, and she learned the CAD stuff rather quickly. Not too surprising since Juliet is a genius after all.

Still, Miku resisted the idea of joining the DIY club even though she helped Juliet. At this point, Miku bashing and being resistant to the idea of joining the DIY club is basically a meme. There are instances she wants to DIY, such as making that necklace, but she resisted the urge. But, eventually, she will participate since not only it’s obvious she wants to do it, she wants to be with Serufu. I think it will happen very soon since only four episodes are left.