While it’s raining outside, the girls seem to have trouble getting stuff done until Rei invites them to her place.
In the last episode, Miku saw it start raining as she tried to resist the temptation of DIY. Obviously, the rainy season is finally here, which makes it difficult for Takumi and Serufu to dry their resin using UV. Not only that, Juliet is obviously complaining about the humidity and how hot the clubhouse is, while Kokoro uses a portable fan. Thankfully, Rei decides to invite them over to her house to hang out and build stuff. The unsellable items her family’s hardware shop couldn’t use are there for them to use.

The night before the visit, it seems that Miku prepared sweets for Juliet to give to Rei. She gave a Baumkuchen to her. Still, it’s funny to see Miku’s reaction when she tasted sukonbu. After all, I believe it’s a custom to give a present to the person they visit. Kokoro, Serufu, and Takumi bought sweets as well. Miku doesn’t like the taste of sukonbu, although Juliet and Serufu do.

As expected, the girls visited Rei’s family hardware store. They were amazed at the amount of DIY supplies and hardware tools, met Rei’s dad and saw the unsellable goods they could use. They also saw her bedroom. Despite Rei being a tomboy, her bedroom looked girly. So, of course, she built various things in her room, including the bookshelf that Serufu screwed up. Not only that, she has a complete manga collection of Himawari Shoujo, which is Takumi’s favorite series. Of course, they didn’t spend the whole day discussing the series.

I must admit, it’s nice to see how they make the necklace with a beach design in the inner parts of a sea shell using resin and stuff. Also, Juliet made a tablet stand as well. Kokoro also created a coffee drip. Then, the girls took a break, and Rei even baked cookies. I find it funny to see Serufu’s and Takumi’s reactions when she tasted it. It was undercooked, but they couldn’t say anything wrong about it as they were afraid to upset Rei. Also, Rei reveals her parents did the same too. The funny thing is that Kokoro ate them without complaint, so it’s obvious where it went.

Either way, they had a very productive visit as Juliet that night tells Miku she will work at Rei’s place after school. Of course, Miku returns to her tsundere self by saying she is not interested in DIY. It’s getting tough to believe that since last time, it looked like she enjoyed it a lot. It’s time to give up the act already. Thankfully, it seems that the girls made enough stuff to sell online. Can they sell through all the things they made? Either way, it looks like their secret hideout plans are going smoothly.
I haven’t seen that anime yet, but it looks promising.
Of course, there are many reasons you should, but definitely give it a try.
First of two friends’ house visit episodes. This one was more straightforward but still fun.
Yes, it was interesting to see what Rei’s room, but it’s funny to see Miku being Miku again. Hopefully she will go and join since it’s obvious she wants to be with Serufu, but denies it.