With everyone’s help, Kate, Iris, Sarasa and the rest of the villagers manage to save the village from a horde of Hellflame Bears. But first, Sarasa must deal with the aftermath, especially a big hole in the kitchen.
With Sarasa taking out most of the Hellflames while the others helped, it’s obvious she overexerted herself. Thankfully, Lorea was there to take care of her as Sarasa recovered. Also, it’s nice to see Iris and Kate bring back some fruit for Sarasa to repay her. Of course, Sarasa offered them a room to stay in so they could repay their debt more quickly. Without paying rent, they can focus on the debt. Not to mention, they plan to help her out by gathering stuff.

After fully recovering, they assess the damage. Sarasa’s atelier received the most damage, especially in the kitchen. Either way, Sarasa decides to open the shop as she needs to compensate for the damage sustained to her shop. She also reveals her program allowing customers to reuse the potion bottle for discounted potions.

While this can cut her profit, it can help with customer loyalty. Not only that, she plans to sell things like cloth to make up the difference. But, then again, don’t other businesses do that by selling accessories like cases, keyboards, and such that are high margin like Apple?

Sarasa allows the townspeople to take the meat part as she takes all the materials useful for alchemy. She took the pelts as well as she plans to sell them. But, of course, Lorea wonders how Sarasa will get to South Straug as it would take days. I guess she already mastered her physical enhancement magic like Ophelia. But, of course, she felt tired after arriving in town.

As for selling the stuff, the first alchemist in town didn’t go so well. He viewed Sarasa as a newbie and tried to rip her off. When Sarasa gets offended by the prices he is willing to offer, she takes the stuff and runs off. After all, she knows better as she is filled with resentment.

Thankfully, there is a nicer alchemist, Leonora, who becomes amazed after seeing parts from the Hellflame. She becomes more impressed with Sarasa after discovering that Sarasa is Oplehia’s apprentice. She even fulfilled her supply request, paid the difference to her, and offered a place to stay. That is for the best, as Sarasa looked worn out after arriving there. Still, this proves that some male alchemists are sexist.

After making it back, Lorea wants Sarasa to build an actual kitchen. So eventually, with Lorea’s help, they bought back the cooktop, and Sarasa did the rest of the work. But, of course, the restaurant lady wanted one too, and Sarasa accepted her request and even offered a small discount. Either way, she received a good amount of money from this request.

In the end, Lorea made cookies and tea. Kate, Lorea, and Sarasa had them until Iris came in. She wasn’t happy that they had sweets without them. I find it funny how Kate hid most of the cookies and only left a few, as she ate all of them at once before she started choking. Still, I must admit that this is an excellent Kate and Iris moment. Either way, Sarasa managed to get back in the green this time.
The business side of the show is fun to watch along with the cuteness and soft gayness.
Sarasa X Lorea warm my heart so much.
Cookie Monster would be proud of Iris.
It’s good that Sarasa have some business savy skills so she doesn’t get scammed. Still, it’s nice to see more Sarasa x Lorea and Kate x Iris moments.