Bocchi finally performed in front of an audience, but inside the box, she agreed to be part of the band. But, of course, Nijika and Ryou need to earn money first. That can be a challenge, given her social anxieties.
It seems that Bocchi agreed to be part of the band but still not getting used to walking outside her comfort zone. I find it funny how she became so hesitant to enter that she paced around the entrance. She fears what others think of her without Nijika and Ryou around. So, of course, Nijika and Ryou can’t help but get amused by Bocchi delaying the inevitable.
Either way, Nijika and Ryou had a band meeting with Bocchi. Ryou bought a giant dice to talk about various topics. After all, they want to get to know each other. I find Bocchi’s answers quite funny as she has no friends. She also went to a school 1 hour away so nobody would know about her past. We understand why from the last episode.

While Bocchi seems happy that Ryou is like her. I find it funny how Bocchi realizes that Ryou chooses to be alone. She soon realizes Ryou is different as she doesn’t have crippling social anxieties. Also, Bocchi’s state in music is, well, you know. About the stuff of high school life that she will never experience because of her social anxieties. As expected, they talked about their performance, and Bocchi thought about the runaway guitarist. She realizes she is the opposite since she can’t run away. Her social anxieties wouldn’t allow it.

But yes, the talk about getting a part-time job to buy equipment caused a lot of social anxiety. I find Bocchi picturing herself working in a convenience shop, unable to serve her customer and then put on trial for the death penalty for creeping out customers. So when Nijika said they would be working at the live house, Bocchi wanted to turn it down but couldn’t bring herself to.

Compared to the other Bocchi, Goto Hitori has it really bad here. It can explain why she filled a bathtub with cold water and put ice in it. But, of course, that is not how you catch a cold since it’s a virus, after all. Still, her attempts of trying to catch one were hilarious. Even so, she couldn’t bring herself to fake a cold so she could stay home.

As for her first day on the job, she hesitated to enter the live house when a blonde hair girl walked up to her. The lady confused Bocchi as a customer instead of a new part-timer. But, believe it or not, that lady is the manager of the live house and thinks Bocchi is Mango Kamen. Yep, the manager only knows Bocchi by the name of the box.
The funny thing is that Bocchi was willing to use that name until Nijika revealed it was not her name. Then, Nijika reveals to Bocchi that the manager is her older sister. She mentioned it the first time, and Bocchi didn’t realize this.

Either way, she becomes nervous and hides under the table. Finally, Nijika teaches her to make drinks, and Bocchi pulls out her guitar, singing about making drinks. That is when Nijika’s older sister realized that Bocchi’s guitar playing wasn’t too bad despite being bad during the concert. The funny thing is that she recognized it somewhere. Thankfully, Njika manages to teach Bocchi how to serve drinks.

As for Bocchi doing her job, she didn’t show her face while serving drinks. Thankfully, after watching the bands perform, Bocchi manages to serve a girl who ordered an orange juice. That is after Nijika shares how much she likes working at a live house and wants Bocchi to feel the same. Hopefully, Bocchi will start her social anxieties little by little.

While Bocchi’s interaction with the customer was rough, at least she kept her head above the counter. After work, she seemed happy that she had survived her first day of work and looked forward to the next day. Sadly, she caught a cold a day later. I guess bathing in cold water and sitting in front of a fan can do this. The search is on for a new vocalist, and we know who it is. Yes, it’s most likely Ikuyo who saw a glimpse of Bocchi singing karaoke. We’ll see if it’s true next time.
Hitori’s overreactions and self-deprecation are hilarious but even so we feel bad for her and want her to succeed. She’ll do her best to get better at socializing. Ganbare!
Yes, Hitori’s overreaction and self-deprecation is funny, but hopefully she will get better. If the other Bocchi can do it, she can too.