At last, Serufu finally joins the club that suits her the most, the Do It Yourself Club. Of course, the club needs members, but she may have found one rather quickly.
I find Serufu’s dream kind of funny and cute. She dreamt of fishing a bench for Miku. When she sat down, it broke as Miku slid away. Yep, not too surprising, given Serufu’s clumsy personality. Then again, would Miku actually appreciate or want Serufu’s bench?

Obviously, she doesn’t as she goes back to her tsundere personality. She also points out that the club Serufu is old, moldy, and antiquated. After all, she thinks AI is the answer. We see it in the anime with delivery drones and self-driving buses.
The funny thing is I was playing around with the image generator at NovelAI, which can produce decent images in certain circumstances. Still, I don’t think it will be as good as actual art done by a human. Also, when she says that with AI, people don’t need to do anything, I shudder at the future if that is the case. Sure, AI is cool, but if there is nothing for humans to do, well, it’s a boring future with no purpose. Also, do you really want Skynet ruling over humans? Thankfully, AI has a long way to go before that can happen. Then again, this is not surprising since Miku basically means the future in Kanji form.

Either way, Serufu talked about her experiences with the DIY club, as Takumi hasn’t decided on a club yet. Yep, Serufu dragged her along to the club to help gain some ideas to attract more people. Perhaps make the place look more attractive or cute. Still, I find it funny how Serufu thought about opening a café, although that won’t bring members.

Of course, Serufu’s experiences with the DIY club remind her of the book she read, Himawari no Shoujotachi. It’s about a bunch of girls trying to save the gardening club and attract members. Apparently, Rei knows about that book too.

While Rei scared Takumi when she entered the clubhouse, nailing a key case on the wall, Takumi and Serufu shared ideas on attracting new members. First, they mention that sign, so Rei suggests using tiles to create a design. Yep, it was educational as she taught Takumi how to glue on titles and apply the grout to fill in the empty space so the titles hold up on the sign.

Rei knows that skis and snowboards make an excellent surface since it’s already waterproof. As expected, Serufu manages to injure herself, trying to reach them. Besides, she hurts herself the next day trying to screw in stuff with a drill bit. In short, don’t let Serufu get things that are high on a shelf or use power tools. At least Rei allowed Serufu to screw in the last screw with a standard screwdriver.

As for where the bench goes, Rei decides to put it in the front of the clubhouse. This is after Miku says she doesn’t need it after Serufu’s bench after she asks if she should make it with a snowboard or skis. The funny thing is she acts all jealous after seeing Serufu walk home with Rei and Takumi. Yep, she is very lonely indeed and deep inside, she wants to be with Serufu.

In the end, it’s nice to see the bench and sign come together. However, that is after Serufu injured herself a few times. Then, Takumi realized how much fun it is to be in a club instead of being alone reading books. In short, she doesn’t want this to end and asks to join.

As expected, Rei and Serufu assumed she was already in the club, but Takumi didn’t make it official. At least now, they have three members and need two more to prevent closure. Of course, that lady who shows up at their school from limbo might be another potential member. We’ll see if she joins next time.
Takumin’s adorable and fits perfectly in the club.
Gotta be patient with Purin. Patiently waiting for the show to decide when to reveal what her deal is.
Takumi is a precious cinnamon bun, but I think she is in good hands. Also, Purin’s/Miku’s jealousy is funny, but hopefully she will defrost. It’s obvious she wants to do it, and her nickname is a pun for 3D printer as she is seen using one ,it seems DIY to me.