Last time, the Imperial Army detained Nagi. After Karasuba hears from Otome that she has lost contact with Nagi, she starts acting strangely. It’s obvious what Haizakura decides to do.
It seems that the state of the Black Cat Café has been in a rough spot without Nagi around. Now that Karasuba received news from Otome about losing contact with him, her anxieties worsened. Not surprising, since Nagi is special to Karasuba, she can’t help but worry about him and doesn’t show up to practice. As for Gekka, she is still getting over what happened last time.

With the current situation, Houkiboshi doesn’t think participation at the Capital Fair is possible. Still, it’s surprising that Gekka still has the hope that they can make it to the fair. After all, many people are looking forward to it, and she finally decides to perform with them. Yep, she eventually changed her mind Haizakura became happy over this.

It seems that Haizakura worried about Nagi with Karasuba. Retzel knows the place where Nagi may be, which is Altaria. This gives Haizakura the idea to rescue Nagi. It looks like Karasuba had the same idea as she is at the train station, all worried.
With that, Gekka came as Haizakura came with luggage. Yep, she wants to find Nagi. This might be best since she is terrible at serving people, and Karasuba is not doing a hot job either. While Haizakura sees this as a vacation, it’s not. It’s more of a rescue operation. After all, they got to save their café owner from a bunch of rogue imperial army members who thought they could turn the war around.
As for Nagi, they took him to a tent with many automata and robot parts. The Imperial Army seems desperate to bring back some Okka automata when they are beyond repair. Two candidates are in good condition. Makes me wonder if the imperial army was behind that automata going haywire a few episodes back. After all, they were so desperate to restore at least one of them that Nagi had to bail them out when they manufactured the problem.

As for Karasuba and Haizakura, they arrived in a snowy city called Altaria. I find it funny how Karasuba is hard at work finding clues to where Nagi is. Meanwhile, Haizakura spends her time dancing and singing for the kids. That sounds about right, but Haizakura managed to find some improvised weapons. Yep, fireworks.
Thankfully, as Karasuba was about to lose hope, she found Nagi’s pocket watch at a pawn shop. She begs the shopkeeper for more information about it. Unfortunately, it only took Haizakura to change the shopkeeper’s mind. After all, she entertained the kids, which makes it obvious how precious she is. This allows Karasuba and Haizaukura to find the tracks the military truck left.

Of course, Haizakura thought it was a good idea to light up some firework sparklers, which worried Karasuba. That could have got them detected. Thankfully, Haizakura extinguished them, but she got dirty. Thankfully, there is a hot spring nearby. However, Haizakura shares her inferiority complex as she desires to have a figure like Karasuba. Haizakura isn’t the only one, as Gekka feels the same way. This explains why Karasuba got the bunny girl outfit, whether she likes it or not. Also, Karasuba recalls how much the café change thanks to Haizakura.

Thankfully, they found the caravan Nagi is in. Yep, Karasuba snuck in by blending in with the other dolls. She reunited with Nagi as Haizakura caused a distraction. Somehow, a bullet grazed Nagi as they made their escape. Sadly, the army captured Haizakura and Nagi tells Karasuba to save her. Haizakura is important besides probably being an Okka model.

While Karasuba’s leg pushed herself too hard again, she managed to save Haizakura. It’s thanks to Haizakura having some fireworks that allow her to escape. Either way, Karasuba is happy that Nagi is safe, and hopefully, he can get his injury treated. However, Haizakura accidentally activated an automata at the base. An Okka one asked for a new body after a soldier came in. I guess the imperial army finally got their just deserts.

Cute rescuers on a cool rescue mission. Love to see it.
Could the new Oka be the final boss? Should be interesting.
Yes, it was a cute mission, although risky at best. Still, it should be interesting to see the aftermath. Probably there is more to Haizakura that nobody knows about, except Nagi of course.