After Chisato gets herself a bit too close to the sun and Takina and company rescue her, they are finally getting closer to finding the mastermind. But, of course, Chisato overlooks a text on Mika’s phone that catches her attention. What is this about?
From last time, Kurumi finally discovered the mastermind’s name, Majima. The only problem is that they don’t know what he looks like, except for Chisato’s and Takina’s accounts. So, they went to the commander to draw the description of Majima. So, how did this turn out?
As expected, Chisato seems to draw a portrait closer to Majima as she encounters him. As for Takina’s drawing, it looks a bit childish. Also, forget Fuki. She is nowhere near to getting the description. I find it funny how Takina and Chisato bicker on whose drawing was closer as the commander eventually leaves. At least there is video evidence that turns up later.

While at work, Chisato saw a message on Mika’s iPhone that caught her attention. The person invited Mika to a bar named “Bar Forbidden” to discuss Chisato’s future. Is it really the commander that asked Mika for some drinks?

Still, I find it funny how Chisato sits in the bathroom for so long that Kurumi thinks Chisato has constipation. Yes, it scares Chisato as she believes that the DA wants her back or Mika is closing shop. Also, Kurumi worries about where to stay since LycoReco is her safe house. Thankfully, Mika doesn’t plan to do any of that, as we’ll find out later.
Meanwhile, Majima seems to figure out that he has seen Chisato before. She was at the radio tower incident, and Majima was also the mastermind behind that attack. I wonder why he took so long to realize this. Back then, Chisato killed a lot of his henchmen.
Also, he finally gets a program on a flash drive to put into a computer to hack Radiata. He went into a police department with his henchmen and shot everyone up there. That is while causing a diversion for the Lycoris so he can carry out his plan perfectly. Still, I am not sure this plan could work. That is, if the police’s IT department were smart enough to disable access to USB storage devices. Then again, they are incompetent, as Robota’s attack on the system was successful.

Thankfully, Fuki and Sakura came by LycoReco as they wanted to have some sweets. They show the video of the police station incident from Kurumi’s tablet. I like how Kurumi lied about being part of the DA, although she is the one that hacked them. Either way, Kurumi noticed that the mastermind, Majima was on a closed circuit video.

That night, Mika steps out for a bit for an errand. Of course, the girls act a bit suspicious. Then, they devise a plan to get into the private bar to find out why Mika is there.

As expected, there are some lovely moments as Chisato dresses up nicely with Takina wearing a suit. Also, when they hide, Takina runs into Chisato’s butt with her face for a moment. Yes, there is the moment where Chisato touches Takina’s breasts after she wonders if Chisato is bragging. I’m already liking how their relationship is progressing from here.

Of course, Chisato discovers that Yoshi, who might look like a supervillain, saved her life. It’s thanks to a promise that Mika made to him. Of course, it leaves Yoshi and Mika in an awkward position. However, Yoshi wouldn’t talk to Chisato for apparent reasons. Takina had to mention that as he got into the car. However, he said that he has high hopes for Takina. I wonder what that means?

From the looks of it, it seems that Mika met with Yoshi as he begged him to let go of his grip on Chisato. Still, it appears there is a mission for Chisato as he wants to see her kill people. He mentions the obvious to Takina by giving confidence in her ability to kill.

From this, I can see this as a reason behind Chisato’s use of non-lethal weapons and not killing people. Also, Mika’s close, possibly romantic relationship with Yoshi is still a mystery, despite working together long ago.

You would think that Chisato would feel down with Yoshi refusing to talk. Sadly, it’s not the case as she is back to her usual self. Not only that, Mizuki wants to go to that club, which she couldn’t thanks to Kurumi. Sadly, Kurumi revoked her card, so that will not happen. We learn that Majima is part of the same Allen institute after the credits. Makes me wonder more about Yoshi’s intentions.

Seeds planted for what’s to come perhaps.
Cvisato and Takina deliver each and every episode. They’re made for each other. Sexy duo.
Yep, it only makes the reason why Yoshi gave Majima and Chisato special powers. Still makes me wonder more about that tower incident.
Agreed about that, at this point they are more than just friends obviously. Still seeing the fancy clothing Chisato and Takina are wearing is nice.