Now that Retzel is part of the café, I wonder how she acts around Haizakura as business slows down. However, Haizakura might have an idea to change things up.
Last time, I speculated how Retzel would act now that Haizakura had saved her. Will she get closer to Haizakura as a result? It’s not surprising as she idolizes her, calls her “older sister,” and even hugs her. I knew this would happen, but it’s nice that it did. At least there is a potential pairing, although Karasuba seems worried that her thunder to control Haizakura and punish her might be going away.

Either way, business seems slow, probably thanks to the incident that Retzel pulled last time. They take some inspiration from the 6th ward. That is after taking a bath, which surprisingly, Automata can do. Then, of course, they have Barbie Doll Anatomy, which is not surprising given the lack of censorship in the bath scenes. Then again, they are dolls, after all.

Of course, Haizakura wants to sing more. Yes, the idea of doing a full show comes up as Haizakura mentions what Chiyo said about the 6th ward. That is the entertainment district. When they go there, it’s apparent that the district is a shell of its former self.

That is when a woman who runs the Cabaret goes up to Haizakura and her friends. As expected, she has attractive looks given that she is part of showbiz. She hears Haizakura wanting to learn how to work. Yes, she has them dressed in bunny outfits and serve stuff. Of course, Karasuba calls the owner out, saying they didn’t come to this place to become waitresses.

We found out the Cabaret’s owner used to run mechanica and did shows. Sadly, public officials pulled the plug on the dulls and shut them down. That is because her place used too much power and caused a disturbance.

As expected, the soldiers shut them down or broke her automatas. It’s too bad that the owner doesn’t know Nagi, who can fix them. Even if she fixed them, who knows if their memories are still intact? Either way, she keeps them in storage and maintains them as they are important to her. At least Haizakura connected with them to see what they were like. This inspired the show she wants to do, although her flowers look like sea creatures. Nagi apparently approved the project.

Of course, Chiyo noticed the café was closed until she saw the girls working on something. So Haizakura and Chiyo went to the Cabaret to borrow costumes. The funny thing is that Kabasuba wears the same bunny girl outfit she wore last time. The other dolls had their own outfits. Haizakura dressed like a butterfly. Houkiboshi’s and Retzel’s outfits look good. As for Gekka, she dresses as a cat. It’s easy to see why Karasuba is stuck with the bunny girl outfit.

Haizakura went overboard with her concept that the café looked decked out. They thought people would come to see their show when the day came. Not so much as the police came to serve a complaint. The decorations were using too much power, and Otome forced the café to shut down for business for a week. After all, Nagi didn’t realize what was going on.

When Otome came out of Nagi’s office, she saw Haizakura crying. While Haizakura blames herself, it’s not her fault as she wanted to cheer people up. Either way, Otome realizes that Haizakura is pure and innocent as she has no recollections of the war. Therefore, she eventually let it slide after Haizakura and her friends scale down the event.

Despite the setbacks, the event was a success. It’s nice to see the girls perform on stage together. Otome saw Black Cat’s new show, although she heard the news there is an Oka model spotted on the continent. Is it Haizakura, or is there another? I guess we’ll find out soon.
Retzel may be the chosen one after all. Most excellent.
Poor maid automata group. Would like to see them reactivated sometime.
Hope the news Major Otome got isn’t too crazy but it most likely will be.
There is no wonder I said Retzel was the hype automata, but seeing her become attached to Haizakura is nice. Hope to see more.
Hopefully someday, if Nagi can fix them.
Should be interesting what this revelation comes, might give some hints about Haizakura.