At last, the final automata finally appear with a cute appearance and silver hair. However, she may look dangerous. So, of course, Nagi entrusts Haizakura to do her magic. Believe it or not, I was waiting for this moment, and it finally came.
While the last episode was a disaster since someone decided to do some experiments on an automata, Nagi and Otome want to prevent that. Therefore, she brought a doll that someone tried to smuggle to Nagi.
Of course, Nagi thought the automata had her system reset. But, boy, they are wrong, as we find out soon. In other words, he had Haizakura look after Retzel, the automata’s name. After all, she has the special touch to resolve their problems.

At last, Retzel finally introduces herself as Gekka, Houkiboshi, and Karasuba have Haizakura teach her the ropes. Also, it’s nice to see Chiyo helping out at the café. Yep, she also wears a headdress with cat ears, which look adorable.

The funny thing is that Retzel knows how to do waitressing and food prep without Haizakura’s help. Not too surprising since Haizakura is clumsy and all. Then again, maybe Retzel is good at everything but doesn’t show the suspicious aspects of her. This becomes apparent when she takes out a knife to uncork a bottle of wine and hide it. Or maybe the time she wiped knives, she stole and hid them. So yes, she is acting a bit sus.
Of course, Retzel gets to share the same bed as Haizakura as she works on her diary. Haizakura gets a bit curious and looks in the briefcase Retzel had. It had all the knives she had probably stolen from the kitchen.

As expected, Retzel wakes up and threatens Haizakura after finding her secret with a butter knife. That won’t do much, especially against an automata. Also, she gets a bit seductive as we discover that she is an automata made for infiltration and subversion. This makes it hard to reset her systems completely.

Still, when Retzel asks about Haizakura’s purpose for existing, we see a glimpse of the robots Haizakura has and a girl that looks like Oka that wants to sing. This already strongly hints that Haizakura is an Oka or first-generation model. While we saw a doll like her in the flashback, I wondered if someone put an incompatible system into an automata that looked like Oka.

I find it funny how Haizakura doesn’t make a big deal about it the next day. That is while Retzel taunts Haizakura if she is going to report her. She discussed her worries about it with Nagi, but she still doesn’t know everything about her. Of course, we know that Nagi pushes Haizakura to work harder to find more about Retzel, given her secret touch.

With that, she observed more, including following Retzel when she snuck out the window. We find out she is trying to get a signal from Lobelia to get her next order. Yep, Haizakura decides to help her. Yes, convincing Retzel that the war is over will not help. Not only that, a black cat met Retzel and grew fond of her.

Eventually, they had a clear night, and Haizakura helped Retzel. That is when Retzel discovers the bad news of what Haizakura told her. Retzel took out the gun and shot the transceiver while tying up Haizakura for knowing too much. Also, it’s interesting how Gekka, Houkiboshi, and Karasuba just find out that all their knives are missing. At least Haizakura is putting Houkiboshi’s diary to good use as it has everything about Retzel

Thankfully, Haizakura managed to get to Retzel before she had the military destroy her. After all, she felt that she doesn’t have a purpose. However, Haizakura really wants to rescue her and sing a song with her. Thankfully, the military took her in and reset her completely, although it’s on paper. At least Retzel now has a new cat friend to keep her company and Haizakura. Hopefully, she will find a new purpose this time.
Retzel joins her fellow Black Cat coworkers with tragic backstories. The lengths she went to get herself killed. Hope Haizakura eventually gives her a big hug.
Not to mention, it takes guts to carry out something like that, but it’s good that she got pulled from the blink. It’s good on Haizakura for saving the day, which only makes me wonder more about her origins.