After the girls’ first performance, Grace finally receives the budget from doing a World Tour. The first stop is in Romagna. However, Silvie starts acting funny for some reason, and it has to do with her identity.
This is the start of the Luminous Witches’ World’s Tour, for which Grace received the green light. But, of course, this feels more like a Silvie episode with some nice Silvie and Jo moments. It’s not because they paired up to do the outfits. It’s so much more than that.
Even so, it’s not surprising to see Jo become amazed by Silvie’s dancing skills as she knows how to do ballet. It seems as if she is good at mostly everything. Makes you wonder why they transferred her to the Music Band Squadron. Also, Jo gives her a white hair ribbon to use as a hair tie. She initially accepts it as she ties her hair before giving it back. It’s evident that she is hiding something, but what?

With that, Grace finally shares the news about the tour. Everyone is surprised, especially Aira, by the quick turnaround. After all, time is ticking as the witches’ powers are at their peak. Their first stop is in Rome for the tour. Then, Silvie comes up to Grace in private as she doesn’t want to perform there. Thankfully, Grace tells her Yep, she is obviously hiding something.

I find it amusing how Mana is amazed by how huge the plane is. Not too surprising since they received a sizable budget. Also, seeing Inori make all those origamis to distract her from being afraid of flying is cute. Jo even gives one that looks like a flower to Silvie.

As expected, the girls arrived at the airbase and eventually went to Rome to hand out fliers. This is where we get a hint of Silvie’s identity. Some ladies mistook her for Lady Rosa, her mother. This makes it evident that Silvie is related to the royal family, especially in the flashback during her mother’s funeral. She had her hair in a ponytail tied with a white ribbon. Also, her name is Silvana and Silvie is her alternate identity. The mere mention that everyone looks at her through her mother’s blood relationship reveals the obvious. Silvie is part of the royal family, which can explain why she couldn’t be on the battlefield when she wanted to.

Also, Silvie visited her mother’s burial site and made an origami flower with the flier she had. She tells her mother her the dilemma she is in. It’s evident that Silvie wanted to make a name for herself but was not allowed to for obvious reasons. She also worries that her friends will turn her down if someone finds out about her identity.

When Silvie met up with Ginny and Jo, she started acting strangely. She points out that the ceiling is not a Cupola but a painting to make it look like one. This compares to what Silvie is going through, living a double life so she can achieve something as a witch. As expected, I can see how tough it is to live a life that is a lie. Even so, Ginny doesn’t think this is true as the ceiling still looks pretty.

Of course, the defining moment of this episode is when Silvie pretends to sleep. Jo went into the room trying to practice, and Silvie pointed out her mistakes and helped her. Afterwards, Jo seems happy that she can do it perfectly thanks to her.

Jo opens up to Silvie about why she wanted to join the military. Yes. For money. Jo admits that she is hiding her family mode as she doesn’t want it to come out. After all, she looked after her little brothers before joining. It reminds Silvie of the same situation. She comforts Jo, saying that nobody Music Band is going to care. Jo shows off a new costume that looks like Silvana with that hairstyle. This is when Silvie asks for that hair ribbon. This makes it clear that she will finally not run away from her true self.

After the performance, she finally comes clean about her identity as Princess Silvana. While her teammates are surprised, they accept her as she is. Jo seems the most relieved despite Silvie finally coming out. Silvie is still the Silvie they know. Still, it’s nice to see Silvie and Jo as another pairing besides Ellie and Aira, and maybe Ginny and Inori. It was evident from the last episode that they are meant for each other.