After going on a so-called date last time, Chisato and Takina receive a new mission. It involves giving someone a tour.
If you can recall what happened in the train station in the last episode, the weapon dealer is at large. Obviously, no Lycoris made it out alive from that bomb going off. Kurumi already knows that the DA covered the whole thing up. I find it funny that the president’s press conference didn’t convince her. It becomes evident that it’s a cover-up. The president’s lack of confidence makes this so obvious.
With that, Chisato and Takina our task to give a guy a tour while being their bodyguard. When he arrives, the guy looks sickly and doesn’t move at all. He also had oxygen hooked up, which makes it very suspicious.
As expected, the man made no movements whatsoever, and most of the time, his scooter didn’t move on its own as Chisato pushed it. Also, why is he wearing goggles? Not only that, but some things also don’t add up. This consists of the client’s story of his whole family being assassinated except for him. Either way, he is very sus as he is nothing like people with ALS who use scooters and TTS like Stephen Hawking.

Obviously, given Chisato’s cheerfulness, she makes a good tour guide. Then, of course, Takina becomes curious about Chisato’s heart. After the man mentions that machines keep him alive, Chisato feels the same as she makes a heart shape with her hands. At least Takina got to find out for herself that night as she laid her head on Chisato’s chest. That is a nice moment.

This makes you wonder if Chisato is a cyborg or a superhuman. After all, she has superior bullet dodging abilities. Still, it’s cute how Takina wants to touch Chisato’s chest, but she doesn’t let her. Yep, it’s another step in the defrosting process.

As Chisato and Takina do the tour, we find another bombshell. Mr. Abe, whom Chisato knows and an assistant, finds out that there is no train accident. It looks more like a terrorist attack. Of course, the detectives chased them out, but they got the chance to see Chisato and waved at her.

Of course, Kurumi and Mika observe them. Yep, when Kurumi asks, he doesn’t even know what Chisato’s mission is. They notice an assassin following them. His name is Jin and Mika knows him. After all, he worked with him at a security firm.

You might wonder why he wants to assassinate the client Chisato and Takina are guarding. Also, it’s strange how when Mizuki decides to tie Mizuki up and put her in a shipping container. Makes you wonder if this is all an act. Maybe he knows Mizuki is working for Mika, so he spared her.

Either way, thanks to Kurumi, Takina, who split off from Chisato, notices and shoots at him. Sure, she got a slight injury on her left leg, but it’s enough to prevent Jin from assassinating their client. Chisato can defeat him, although her client insists on them killing Jin. We know that Chisato won’t do that, given her philosophy of not taking people’s lives. Also, don’t worry about Takina. Chisato treated her leg off-screen.

With that, our suspicions are correct. The guy made up the whole story, and a guy is just an elderly man in a vegetative state when the life support systems shut down. Kurumi finds out that someone controlled the computer that controls the wheelchair. Yes, to make it look like a convincing ALS patient. The Allen Institute must be trying to get closer to Chisato, but why?

At least Jin met up with Mika and found that Chisato and Takina were working for him and were amazed at his skills. But, of course, he didn’t kill the man’s family, which puts the nail in the client’s story. What is interesting is Jin points out something about Mika’s leg. Unfortunately, he never revealed what it was. Also, a Lycoris failed to assassinate one of the dealer’s henchmen, got hit by a car and executed firing squad style. That is brutal but shows they are expendable in the DA’s eyes.
Hopefully like Tony Stark Chisato finds a way to screw the corporation trying to bring her down.
Takina becoming bolder with her growing desire for Chisato. Love to see it.
Yes, but it’s not too surprising since all those quests seems to focus on Chisato. I do wonder why they are so curious about Chisato. Hopefully they will find the culprit soon.
Agreed, it’s always nice to see Takina getting a bit bolder with Chisato, but hopefully something will come out it eventually.