Now that Chisato finally got Takina to her side after standing up for her against Fuki and Otome, it’s time to defrost her further. This time, it’s over underwear.
As expected, it seems that LycoReco has its own firing range. Takina struggles with adopting Chisato’s methods of taking down people without killing them. She even questions her methods as she usually targets the vital organs. Now that she is using different bullets, her old ways are obviously not going to work.

After practice, Chisato plays an online VR shooting game against her rival, Fuki. Of course, she has trouble until Takina takes over and owns her. I find it interesting how Takina goes all out that she doesn’t care about flashing her underwear as she had a peek. Chisato saw it while The Terminator music was playing for added effect. The funny thing is that Kurumi didn’t even try to look.

As expected, Chisato’s curiosity got to her as she entered the changing room. At the same time, Takina changed her clothes. Chisato lifted her skirt. Yes, Takina is wearing boxers, which Chisato finds unfashionable. However, Takina wears them since they are comfortable, liberating, and practical. Yep, she expected panties as she is cultured and believes that Takina should wear cute ones. Moreover, she wants an excuse to go on a “date.”

The next day, Chisato appeared wearing casual clothes as Takina wore a T-shirt and some track pants. Takina doesn’t have a sense of fashion as she thinks Chisato is wearing a costume. Yep, she hasn’t really experienced the outside world. But at least Chisato knows some things about fashion to pick out some outfits that look good on her.

The next part is the panties. Of course, Takina seems okay with her boxers, although Chisato seems so against it. After all, Takina questions her reasoning that panties are things to show to other people. That is when Chisato’s face turns red as Takina brings her to the dressing room to see Chisato’s underwear. Of course, Takina disapproves Chisato’s choice of panties, which makes me wonder, what is the point?

Meanwhile, it seems that Kurumi is doing more investigative work behind the photo. She finds out that the weapons from the deal never went on the black market. Mizuki becomes upset with Kurumi hogging the bath, which is funny. Also, Kurumi used VR to look closer at the people in the building in first-person view. Kind of interesting how her tech is more advanced than the DA.

As for the date between Chisato and Takina, they went to a café. Yep, Chisato orders a bunch of sweets. Takina seems worried about how many calories Chisato is putting on. But, of course, Chisato says she will simply exercise it off. They even went to an aquarium where they looked at fish.
During that time, Takina wants to know Chisato better as she asks about those bullets. Apparently, Mika made them, and Takina wonders why. She simply says she doesn’t like taking someone’s time from them. Makes me wonder if Chisato was part of that tower incident. Perhaps she was the only survivor, and the DA covered it up. This is probably a reason she left the DA.
Not only that, Chisato is looking for someone. She has this necklace that has an awfully familiar thing attached to it. Yes, the emblem of the Allen Insitute, which is a terrorist organization. She received it from some guy, which she is looking for. That guy must be Yoshi as he had drinks with Mika at a bar. However, he believes that Chisato doesn’t remember her, despite her looking for him. Is this the reason his organization is making those terrorist attacks?

During their date, a weapon dealer decides to unleash his weapons on an empty train station. Instead of innocent people, there are Lycoris on the train cart. The Lycoris takes out most of the weapon dealer’s grunts, except the dealer himself. Too bad they couldn’t take him out as he activated a bomb and left the station. No Lycoris will survive that attack, but the DA obviously covered it up as a train accident with no casualties. Yep, the DA is using them as cannon fodder. It can explain why they didn’t like Takina’s heroism.

Either way, Takina and Chisato made it back to LycoReco. The funny thing is that Chisato decides to try on one of Takina’s boxers the next day and finds out how comfortable they are. Mizuki saw it and got the wrong idea as she peeked under Takina’s skirt. She is wearing her new panties. Kurumi looked at Chisato’s, given that they flashed thanks to the fan. Still, it’s nice to see Takina laugh. She has genuinely defrosted compared to before.

Terminator and N64 Donkey Kong. I didn’t get why but it’s fantastic.
Their date had the desired effect on Takina. The defrosting continues. Oh yes,
Nice to learn a bit more about Chisato’s philosophy.
Kurumi had some nice scenes too.
Shinji Yoshi is super suspicious.
Majima likes The Dark Knight I see.
Definitely an odd and unexpected, but it does give the desired effect is being funny. Even so, it’s always nice that Chisato is making progress in defrosting Takina. It’s happening and there is no going back.
Agreed that Yoshi is a bit sus.