After Takina and Chisato save Kurumi in a particular operation, it seems that Takina has no interest in participating in social activities. The only thing that gets her attention is Chisato’s checkup at the DA headquarters.

Last time, Kurumi received the image that had the suspicious guy. I find it funny how Mizuki shows her photo from the DA on the phone, but Kurumi enhances the picture with a few clicks. Well, well enough that you can make out the guy in the photo.
Yes, this looks embarrassing for the DA. You would think they have the technology to do this simple task. When a teenage computer hacker girl bests you, then that is very embarrassing. But wait, it gets worse for the DA here. More on that later.
After work, it seems Chisato wants Takina to join the board games with their regulars. Also, Kurumi looks uninterested in this despite Chisato begging her. Her only focus is returning to the DA headquarters. She only gets excited when she overhears Chisato leaving her annual checkup at the last minute. Then again, Kusonoki inevitably turns down Takina’s request to return as a blessing in disguise. More on that soon.

When they got to the headquarters, everyone shunned poor Takina for doing the right thing. Yep, Kusonoki used Takina as a scapegoat to cover up the failures of their mission. That also includes the cyberattack, which is very embarrassing. The only person that didn’t hold this feeling was Erika, the person that Takina saved. Not to mention, she might have a crush on her too.

As expected, Chisato ran into Fuki, the leader of the group Takina was in. As expected, she is very stuck up and probably an insufferable jerk. The funny thing is that Chisato bested her on all the physical checkup activities. Takina also sees her replacement, Otome Sakura, who has a terrible personality like Fuki. But, of course, both are incompetent, as we see later.

Chisato eventually runs into Kusonoki, trying to clear Takina’s name. She does so by saying that the DA messed up the meeting time for the arms deal. Most importantly, they kept their Radiata system insecure when it was mission-critical. Yep, the DA is run like any business that doesn’t care about cybersecurity and pushes things under the rug. In other words, using Takina as a scapegoat instead of owning up to their mistakes. Also, I don’t like Kusonoki as she is very suspicious. Not to mention, her mushroom cut looks ugly.
Eventually, Chisato sees Takina at the fountain. She is upset since living in the dorm means everything to her. Chisato was like that too, but she tells Takina that it doesn’t have to be the DA.

Of course, Chisato thinks that Takina did the right thing. It’s like that Nike campaign that says, “believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.” Sure, Takina might have lost her belonging in the DA, but she saved Erika from the bad guys. Not to mention, given how toxic the organization is and the incompetence in covering up the Radiata cyberattack, this is not the best place for Takina to be in. Either way, I liked the moment when Chisato hugged her and lifted her up, telling Takina she should move on. After all, another door of opportunity will eventually open for her.

Either way, Chisato insists on doing a mock battle against Fuki and Otome. The funny thing is that DA’s best is no match against Chisato, who dodged and neutralized her opponents. She even landed so many shots on Otome before Takina came in, punched Fuki in the cheeks, and took her down. So, Fuki finally receives what she deserves as Chisato and Takina humiliate her team.

Either way, it’s nice that Takina finally warms up to Chisato. She finally addresses Chisato by her first name. Takina compliments Chisato and is willing to join in the board games. It’s too bad Erika didn’t get to meet Takina again as she seems too nervous. Yep, Chisato did an excellent job defrosting Takina at last. I wonder if LycoReco can outsmart the DA now that they have the A-team. We’ll see soon enough.
So HQ aren’t as professional as they want people to believe. What a bunch of jerks. No wonder Chisato left.
Fuki was mean but like Chisato said she’s not all bad. She had that payback punch from Takina though. Otome is “meh” so far. Maybe she’ll get better.
Everything ChisaTaki this episode was excellent, especially smooth Chisato and her “screw you losers” carry of Takina.
Not too surprising given how their mission went that lead to that unfortunate incident. Still, it’s easy to see their true colors and the place is definitely a hostile work environment. Still, I am happy that Fuki got what she receive. Otome, Takina’s replacement is weaker, but who knows if she will improve.
But it’s nice that Takina finally defrosted, took long enough.