Despite Yugiri mainly being broken and put back in storage, Haisakura moves on. This time, she spends time with Gekka as they deal with an egg shortage. Starting to sound like what we are experiencing with Covid-induced supply chain issues.
The next day, it seems that some military leaders decide to pay Nagi a visit. Yep, it’s the blonde lady named Okunomiya Otome who came out of the carriage last time. So obviously, Haisakura seemed very anxious trying to serve her that she spilled some of the tea.

Otome doesn’t seem happy that Nagi opened a café using dolls and warned him about the military use of dolls. The most problematic is the mechanica, but he somehow modified them so they can only cook.
This is not surprising given the one that almost attacked Chiyo until Haisakura controlled it and had it stop. At least they got to see how Houkiboshi used them to help in the kitchen. It’s funny how Haisakura stares at Karasuba serving her customers an omelet. She finally explains that all the dolls here are the second generation, and they can only control third-generation ones. Still, I wonder which ones are the first-generation ones.

Of course, Nagi gives Haisakura a pet named Inaba. It is hilarious that it erratically moves when Haisakura tries to control it. I guess she will get used to one eventually.

With that, it seems that the café ran out of eggs. Thus, they can’t make most of the dishes. This is where we get some excellent bonding time with Haisakura and Gekka. Gekka, who seems cold and stoic, is also broken. It’s because she can’t smile, primarily due to past events. More on that later.

They eventually head to the marketplace and find the reason for the egg shortage. Yep, it’s soldiers returning from war increasing the demand for eggs and other valuable goods. This pretty much sounds like the past few years. This is thanks to the Covid-induced supply chain shortages and high demand. I have been waiting for weeks to receive my Apple Studio Display since March, which I received in early June. Now, it’s finally in anime form, except with eggs.

While Gekka is about to give up, Haisakura wants to keep trying. But, of course, she performed a song, which caught unwanted attention before they left. They killed time eating some taiyaki, which Gekka finds the taste off-putting. Egg powder simply doesn’t have the same taste as fresh eggs. Even liquid eggs don’t work that well in cakes. I tried, and the cake didn’t turn out right.

Thankfully, Chiyo knows someone that supplies eggs. But, of course, reaching the trader, who comes by train, is the hard part. Thankfully, Gekka uses her flying ability. Still, it’s nice to see them treat Chiyo to some omelet. I find it cute how Chiyo allows Gekka to taste some.

On the rooftop, Haisakura finds Gekka. This is when we find out about Gekka’s sad past. She was part of the recommence team, which seeks information about the enemy. Sadly, she spotted the ships, but the enemy fired at her team. While she survived and tried to get the information to them, her army attacked the enemy, and the enemy wiped them out. Maybe this is why she can’t smile until now.

After Haisakura cried, she could control Inaba suddenly. Haisakura started to dance and noticed Gekka smiling. Now, she managed to fix Gekka’s inability to smile. Not to mention, Nagi said that Haisakura is a “new model.” Makes me wonder if Haisakura is a derivative of the Oka. After all, she also got Yugiri working, but without any of her memories. Also, she can control the younger generation’s mechanica and make Gekka smile. The mystery deepens.

Either way, she tells her to forget the painful memories and take a different role. So, she tried to sing. That is until a mechanica spotted her and decided to take it down. But unfortunately, old habits are hard to break, and Otome noticed this as she met with Nagi the following day. He obviously noticed, but who knows if Gekka will get reprehended or not.
Major Otome is excellent. The bright side of her possibly going after Nagi is he won’t pair up with the dolls.
Gekka’s story was sad. Hopefully she eventually calms down and accepts Haizakura’s invite to sing together.
Yes, Otome looks pretty, but it’s not too surprising that he won’t do much with the dolls, since well, it would be very awkward.
Hopefully Gekka will get better, but makes me wonder if there is more to Haizakura as she managed to make her smile.